
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Ymweliad Childline Visit

Daeth Glenys o Childline i'r ysgol unwaith eto y flwyddyn hon i siarad am bwysigrwydd Childline. Cafodd blant yr Iau y cyfle i ofyn cwestiynnau a dysgu y rhifau pwysig a gwefanau pwysig. Mae Childline hefyd yn cefnogi Hawliau Plant fel YGG Pontybrenin 


Glenys from Childline came to school once again this year to talk about the work and importance of Childline. The children of the junior department had the opportunity to ask questions and learn the important numbers and websites. Childline too support the Rights of the Child, just like YGG Pontybrenin.


Cofiwch ymweld a gwefan Childline os oes unrhyw broblem / Remember to visit the Childline website if you have a problem
