
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Dysgu o Adref/ Home Learning



Siwmae blant! Yr wythnos hon byddwn yn dechrau defnyddio Microsoft Teams er mwyn gwneud gwaith ysgol. Dyma gyfarwyddiadau yn esbonio popeth:


This week we will begin to use Microsoft Teams to do our school work. Below you will find instructions explaining everything:



Ysgol Rithwir Abertawe

Swansea Virtual Learning School


Dyma wefan ddefnyddiol sydd wedi cael ei chreu er mwyn i chi ddod o hyd i adnoddau a gwersi yn ystod yr amser yma. 

Below is a useful site that has been created to help locate resources during the time of school closures. 

Dwi'n dwlu gweld pa fath o bethau rydych wedi bod yn gwneud adref!



Helo blant!🙋‍♀️
Dwi'n mawr obeithio cawsoch chi gyd wyliau Pasg hyfryd yn bwyta llawer o wyau siocled ac yn mwynhau yn yr haul. ☀️🍫
Gan fod ein 'gwyliau' drosodd erbyn heddiw, hoffwn weld chi yn bwrw ati gyda'r gwaith ar HWB. 📗✏️Os ydych chi wedi dilyn y drefn hyd yn hyn, dylai fod pythefnos o waith ar ôl gyda chi i wneud. 👍
Rwy'n gobeithio eich bod chi i gyd wedi gwneud rhywfaint o waith! 🤞Diolch i'r plant sydd wedi bod yn gwneud eu gwaith ar J2E- dwi'n gallu gweld pa mor galed rydych wedi bod yn gweithio. 👀 Mae ambell un ohonoch chi hefyd wedi bod yn danfon lluniau o'ch gwaith ata i dros e-bost. 📸 Gwych!✔️
Cofiwch- dwi eisiau gweld beth rydych wedi bod yn gwneud yn y tŷ!🏡 Os nad ydych wedi gwneud y gwaith ar J2E, danfonwch lun!🔍
Hwyl am y tro,
Miss Walker 😄




Fideo YGG Pontybrenin


Helo blant! 


Gobeithio eich bod chi gyd yn cadw'n iawn ac yn mwynhau eich amser adref! Am dywydd arbennig! Nawr, mae staff YGG Pontybrenin wedi bod yn  brysur iawn dros y diwrnodau diwethaf yn paratoi fideo ar eich cyfer! Yn y fideo, mae negeseuon oddi wrth eich athrawon (gan gynnwys Miss Walker!).


Os oed diddordeb gyda chi wylio'r fideo, ewch i: 


1) HWB

2) Office 365

3) Dosbarth Blwyddyn 5/6 Miss Gwenter a Miss Walker


Mae'r fideo wedi uwchlwytho yn yr un lle a ble rydw i wedi rhoi y gwaith i chi wneud adref




Miss Walker x


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Hello everyone!


I hope you are all well and are enjoying your time at home. What wonderful weather we've been having! Now, the staff at YGG Pontybrenin have been very busy over the past few days preparing a little video for you all! The video contains messages from your teachers (including myself!).


If you'd like to go and watch the video, go to:


1) HWB

2) Office 365

3) Dosbarth Blwyddyn 5/6 Miss Gwenter a Miss Walker


The video has been uploaded to the same place that your 'home work' has been placed.




Miss Walker x

Fideo oddi wrth staff YGGPYB (ar HWB)



Siwmae, blant! Gobeithio eich bo' chi gyd yn mwynhau'r amser adref, yn enwedig gyda'r tywydd arbennig yma rydym wedi bod yn cael!  Gan eich bod chi  wedi bod adref am bythefnos erbyn nawr, byddwn i'n hoffi yr wythnos hon fod unrhyw un sydd ddim wedi dechrau ar unrhyw waith yn dechrau gwneud hynny. Gallwch chi wneud y gwaith naill ai ar J2E neu drwy ddanfon y gwaith syth ataf i: ( ). DIOLCH YN FAWR i'r plant sydd wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed yn barod, rhai wedi bod yn gwneud sawl tasg y dydd!! Cofiwch gallwch weld esiamplau o waith da isod. Erbyn dydd Mercheros nad wyf wedi derbyn/ gweld darn o waith wrth unrhyw un byddaf yn cysylltu gyda chi yn bersonol trwy e-bost.


Diolch yn fawr a chadwch yn ddiogel 😄


Miss Walker



Hello, all! I hope you are all enjoying your time at home, especially with this wonderful weather we've been experiencing. Seeing as though you have been home for a fortnight by now, I would like this week that anyone who hasn't started any work , does so. You can do this either on J2E or by sending the work directly to me: ( ). A BIG THANK YOU to those of you who have already been working hard, some of whom have been completing a few tasks a day!! Remember you can see examples of great work below. By Wednesday, if I still haven't received/ seen a piece of work from someone I will contact you directly via email.


Thank you & stay safe! 


Miss Walker





Helo blant! 


Dyma ni'n dechrau ar ein hail wythnos yn dysgu o adref. Sut 'ma pawb yn ymdopi? Dwi'n gobeithio yn fawr iawn bod pawb yn iach ac yn cadw'n ddiogel. O beth dwi wedi gweld hyd yn hyn, mae llawer ohonoch chi yn mwynhau'r gwaith sydd wedi'i gosod i chi ar HWB. Gan nad oes modd i ni rannu ein llwyddiannau gyda'n gilydd ar hyn o bryd, gallwch weld isod esiamplau o waith ardderchog dwi wedi gweld hyd yn hyn! Cofiwch fod modd danfon eich gwaith / lluniau / fideos gan ddefnyddio'ch e-bost HWB personol, neu uwchlwytho'ch gwaith i J2E. Fy nghyfeiriad e-bost yw: . Daliwch ati, blant. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen i'ch gweld eto cyn bo hir.


Miss Walker x


Helo kids!


Here we are about to begin our second week learning from home. How are we all finding it? I really do hope that everyone is healthy and are keeping safe. From what I have seen so far, many of you are enjoying the tasks that have been prepared for you on HWB. Seeing as we are unable to share our work with each other, below are some examples of fantastic home work I have seen so far! Don't forget you can send me your work / photos / videos by using your personal HWB email accounts, or upload your work to J2E. My email address is: . Keep up the great work everyone, I'm looking forward to seeing you all again soon!


Miss Walker x




Stori Jack

'It was only then that I realised things were not as quite as they seemed...'


That chilly morning we had decided to take an hour exercise as Boris advised through the colossal woods behind our house. We were well-prepared to go on an exhilarating adventure. I was bouncing my favourite ball that I loved when in a blink of an eye it fell down the hill towards the snake like river. “Oh no” I shouted in frustration. “I have to get it, I can’t afford to lose it!”. “Well you be careful and we’ll just go a little further”, said Dad. 


I scrambled down the concealed pathway towards the gushing sound of the river. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a scary looking man sitting on a damp bench in the distance. I realised my ball was at the foot of the bench. I shivered. The man looked as if he was 70 years old. I crept gingerly towards him. My eye was on the ball, the palms of my hands felt like they were cups of sweat filled with water. 


He suddenly rose from the bench and I could see that his clothes were old fashioned and extremely worn.  He had wooly hat just like my Grampa’s over his wrinkly forehead . I was pondering on who might he be. I asked myself, who might he be? Why was he here? It sounded as if he was talking to himself and he was mumbling something strange. Once again I shivered as the trees swayed eerily in the the growing wind. I felt the loneliness- I knew my family were probably quite a distance away by now. 


I saw the old man look towards my precious ball. For a moment I questioned what he would do. The woods were dark and gloomy by now. I was still afraid of this curious man. But it was only then things were not as they seemed. He didn’t move but unexpectedly called over: “Don’t be afraid” said the man kindly. “I won’t hurt you! I’m just a kind man doing my daily exercise just like Boris said". Suddenly all of my fears vanished and I realised he was not actually a mean man. He kicked the ball over to me from a distance- obviously (social distancing) - and  told me to enjoy the rest of my day. I waved gratefully. Just then my Dad called “where have you been? Hurry up!”. I hoped I had put some joy into the old man’s day. I picked up my precious ball and waved goodbye to my new friend. 

Annwyl bawb,


Rydw i'n gobeithio eich bod chi i gyd yn iawn, yn gofalu eich bod yn cadw'n iach ac yn golchi eich dwylo! Mae'n glir erbyn nawr y byddwch chi adref o'r ysgol am ychydig o wythnosau ond dydyn ni ddim yn gwybod am ba mor hir yn gwmws.  Felly rydym ni wedi gosod nifer o weithgareddau amrywiol i chi ar wefan y dosbarth ac o dan 'Cynorthwyo'ch plentyn / Gwefannau Defnyddiol' ar wefan ein dosbarthiadau.   Hefyd ar HWB yn ein grwp Dosbarth Blwyddyn 5/6 Miss Gwenter a Miss Walker- Cyfnod Cau’.


Rydym ni wedi rhannu y ffolder i weithgareddau Iaith, Mathemateg, Thema a Hwyl.  O fewn pob ffolder mae yna bethau fel taflenni darllen a deall, tasgau ysgrifennu, eich tasg llafar Saesneg, taflenni mathemateg a linc i bethau ymarferol gallwch wneud gyda'ch teuluoedd.  Dylai fod digon o bethau fan hyn i'ch diddanu dros yr wythnosau nesaf! Dydw i ddim yn disgwyl i chi wneud gwaith TRWY'R DYDD ond cofiwch wneud cwpwl o bethau bob hyn a hyn er mwyn cadw eich sgiliau i ddatblygu a chadw i ddysgu pethau. Cofiwch:


1) Darllennwch bob dydd.

2) Ymarferwch eich tablau bob dydd.

3) Gwnewch rywbeth mathemateg a rhywbeth iaith bob dydd.

4) Gwnewch pethau hwyl bob dydd!

Os oes gennych broblem, neu yn ei weld yn anodd i agor ffeil neu lawrlwytho ffeil, neu bod eich ffrind wedi anghofio cyfrinair cysylltwch gyda fi ar HWB a daf i nol i chi i'ch helpu.

Hwyl am y tro a cadwch yn ddiogel,

Miss Walker



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Dear all,


I hope you are all well, that you are keeping well and are still washing your hands regularly! It's clear by now that you will be home from school for a few weeks but we don't know exactly how long yet.  So, we have placed a number of different activities on the class webpage under 'Helping your child / Useful Websites.  You will also see activities on HWB in our class group 'Dosbarth Blwyddyn 5/6 Miss Gwenter a Miss Walker- Cyfnod Cau’. 


We have split the HWB folder into Language, Mathematics, Theme and Fun ideas.  Within each folder there are things like reading comprehension worksheets, writing tasks, your English Oracy task on hobbies, maths worksheets and links to various things you can do with your families.  You should have enough to keep you busy of the next few weeks. I don't expect you to work ALL DAY but remember to do a couple of activities every so often in order to keep your brains active, keep developing your skills and to keep learning things. Remember:


1) Read every day.

2) Practice your times tables every day.

3) Do a language and maths activity every day.

4) Do fun things every day!


If you have a problem, see it difficult to open a file, download a file, or know that your friend has forgotten their login or password, get in touch with us on HWB and I will get back to you to help.


Bye for now and stay safe,

Miss Walker


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Cewch isod gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i gafael ac achub eich gwaith ar lein.

Below you will find information on how to find and save work online.
