adeiladu pentrefi
Building Towns
Rydym ni wedi bod yn datblygu ein sgiliau digidol trwy adeiladu pentrefi newydd ar Minecraft!
We have been developing our digital skills by building new towns on Minecraft!
Mordaith y mimosa
on board the mimosa
Dros gant a hanner mlynedd o flynyddoedd yn ol, fe hwyliodd criw dewr o Gymry, ar fwrdd y Mimosa, er mwyn darganfod bywyd gwell ochr draw'r byd. Yn y sioe yma, cawsom gyfle i ymuno gydag un o'r teithwyr dewr, William Jones, ar ei siwrnau arwrol o'r Bala i Batagonia.
Over one hundred and fifty years ago a brave band of Welsh men, women and children sailed on the Mimosa to the other side of the world in search of a better life. In this show we joined William Jones, one of the brave Welshmen, on his epic journey from Bala to Patagonia!
Gair am 2o24
a word for 2024
Hapus. Egni. Cariad. Beth yw eich gair chi am 2024?
Happy. Energy. Love. What's your word for 2024?
Darllen cerddoriaeth
reading music
Fel rhan o ddathliadau'r Fari Lwyd, dysgom ni sut i chwarae cân y Calennig heddiw!
As part of our Mari Lwyd celebrations, we learnt how to play the Calennig song today!
Dyma Siani!
Here's Siani!
Roeddem ni wrth ein boddau yn cwrdd â chi darllen yr ysgol, Siani heddiw!
We were over the moon to meet the school's reading dog, Siani today!
Ar ôl dysgu am Greta Thunberg a’i neges ar gyfer y byd, roedd y disgyblion yn awyddus i fynd ati i greu negeseuon eu hunain! Edrychwch ar yr holl waith ffantastig!
After learning about Greta Thunberg and her message for the world, the pupils were keen to create their own messages! Just look at their wonderful creation!

Berfau’r gorffennol
Past tense Verbs
Roedd y disgyblion yn brysur yn dysgu berfau gorffennol yr wythnos hon.
The pupils have been busy learning about past tense verbs this week.

Roeddem ni wrth ein boddau yn dysgu sut i godio gan ddefnyddio microbits yr wythnos hon! Mor cŵl! Diolch i'n disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 am ein dysgu. 👍
We absolutely loved learning how to code using microbits this week! How cool! Thanks to our Year 6 pupils for teaching us. 👍
Mae ein gwersi mathemateg yr wythnos hon wedi canolbwyntio a radio. Gwnaethom ni fwynhau edrych trwy gatalogau ALDI i greu ‘Rhestr Siopa Delfrydol’ ac yn gweithio allan cyfanswm y gost!
This week our maths lessons have been focused on addition. We especially enjoyed looking at ALDI catalogues to create a ‘Dream Shopping List’ and then work out the total cost!

Miss walker’s bootcamp
Fel rhan o’n gwersi Addysg Gorfforol yr hanner tymor hwn rydym wedi bod yn ymarfer ein sgiliau corfforol trwy ymgymryd mewn sesiynau ‘Bwtcamp’. Bob wythnos, mae’r disgyblion yn amseru eu hunain yn cwblhau gweithgareddau amrywiol ac yn ceisio curo’u sgor diwethaf.
As part of our Physical Education lessons this half term we have been practicing our physical skills by taking part in weekly ‘Bootcamp’ sessions. Each week, pupils time themselves completing various exercises, whilst trying to beat their previous score!
Dyma’r disgyblion yn ceisio dyfalu ein thema newydd trwy eiriau yn unig. Ailgylchu, gwyrdd, plastig, amgylchedd… beth allai fod?
Here are the pupils trying to guess the title of our new theme with only words. Recycle, green, plastic, environment… what could it be?
Ymarfer gwerth lle trwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau hwylus.
Practicing place value through an array of fun activities.
Y pedwar diben
The four purposes
Dyma ni yn atogffa’n hunain o gymeriadau’r Pedwar Diben a’u nodweddion unigryw. Sut allwn ni fod yn fwy fel Undeg, Catrin, Dewi a Llion eleni?
Here we are reminding ourselves of the Four Purpose characters and their unique features. How could we be more like Undeg, Catrin, Dewi and Llion this year?

Diwrnod cyntaf ym mlwyddyn 5!
First day in year 5!
Cawsom ddiwrnod cyntaf ARBENNIG heddiw. Bant â ni!
We had an EXCELLENT first day today. Here we go!