
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Lluniau / Pictures

Cromenni Geodesig

Geodesic Domes


Dyma'r disgyblion yn mwynhau wrth greu cromenni geodesig yn dilyn ein hymweliad a'r Gerddi Botaneg! Ond pa un yw'r cryfaf?

Here, the children are enjoying creating their geodesic domes following our visit to the Botanical Gardens. But which one is strongest?


Gwers Wyddoniaeth yng Ngwyr

Science Lessons in Gwyr


Roedd y disgyblion wrth eu boddau ar eu hymweliad i Gwyr yr wythnos hon. Dyma ni yn cynnal arbrawf wyddonol i weld pa fwyd oedd yn cynnwys y fwyaf o egni- grawnfwyd, creision neu bara. Diolch yn fawr i Miss Palmer am y wers arbennig!


The pupils were beyond excited during our trip to Gwyr this week. This is us conducting an experiment to see which food contained the most energy- cereal, crisps or bread. A big thank you to Miss Palmer for the excellent lesson!


Gŵyl Pêl Fasged

Basketball Festival


Blwyddyn 6 yn ymarfer eu sgiliau pêl fasged yn nhwrnament ysgolion Abertawe yn yr LC2.

Year 6 practicing their basketballs skills  at the Swansea schools tournament in the LC2. 

Ymweliad â’r Gerddi Botaneg

A Visit to the Botanical Gardens


Cawsom amser wych yn y Gerddi Botaneg! 

We had a fantastic time at the Botanical Gardens!



Pythefnos Masnach Deg

Fairtrade Fortnight


Dyma'r disgyblion yn dysgu am daith bananas i'r Deyrnas Unedig, ac am bwy sy'n chwarae rhan yn y broses. Defnyddiom ni ddarn o gordyn i ddangos y cysylltiadau rhwng y bobl yma, ac i weld pwy sy'n ddibynol ar bwy yn y broses.


Here, the pupils are learning about a banana's journey to the United Kingdom, and about who plays a part in this process. We used a long piece of string to show the connections between these people from all over the world, and to see who is reliant on whom during this process.

Ymweliad gan Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru

A Visit from the Children's Commissioner for Wales


Dyma'r disgyblion yn dathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru ar y 7fed o Chwefror trwy wrando ar gerdoriaeth Cymraeg a chreu posteri ar gyfer 'gig' delfrydol!

Here are the pupils celebrating Welsh Music Day on the 7th of February, by listening to Welsh music and creating posters for their 'dream' Welsh gig!


Still image for this video

Dyma'r disgyblion yn dangos eu dealltwriaeth o siapau 3D ar ôl wythnos ar y pwnc.

Demonstrating their understanding of 3D shapes after a week studying the topic.

Roeddem yn ffodus iawn i gael cwrdd â'r gantores Bronwen Lewis yr wythnos hon. Llwyddodd y disgyblion i ysgrifennu a pherfformio cân am Gymru. Diolch, Bronwen!

We were lucky enough to meet the singer-songwriter Bronwen Lewis this week. The pupils successfully wrote and performed a song about Wales. Thank you, Bronwen!


Llongyfarchiadau Lauren am ennill y gystadleuaeth ‘Carden Nadolig’!

Congratulations, Lauren for winning the 'Christmas Card' competition!

Cawsom amser gwych yn y Warchodfa heddiw!

We had a fantastic time in our Woodland Area today!

Dechrau ar ein gwaith ymchwil i greu gêm fwrdd ein hunain. Beth sy’n gwneud gêm dda?

Starting our research so that we can create our own boardgames! What makes a good game?

Hawl y Mis

Right of the Month

Ymweliad PC Hughes

PC Hughes' Visit

Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd

Rugby World Cup

Bore Coffi Macmillan

Macmillan Coffee Morning
