
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Cafodd ddosbarth Mrs Parkhouse y cyfle i fod yn rhan o brosiect am Batagonia gyda gweithdy cerddoriaeth gan y gyfansoddwraig Stacey Blythe ynghyd a gweithdy celf gyda'r artist Keith Bayliss.  

Mrs Parkhouse's class have been part of a project on Patagonia and have had workshops with the composer Stacey Blythe and the artist Keith Bayliss.

Patagonia 1

Still image for this video

Patagonia 2

Still image for this video

Keith Bayliss



Cafodd y disgyblion y cyfle i berfformio eu cyfansoddiad ac arddangos eu gwaith celf yn Amgueddfa'r Glannau fel rhan o Wyl Gerddorol Abertawe.  Braint oedd perfformio fel rhan o ddathliadau Patagonia150 ac roedd y disgyblion a'r ysgol yn falch iawn o'u gwaith caled.

The pupils had the opportunity to perform their composition and display their art work in the Swansea Waterfront Museum as part of the Swansea Music Festival.  It was a real privilege to be a part of the Patagonia150 celebrations and the pupils and the school were very proud of their hard work.

Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd pan daeth PC Bowen i siarad gyda Blwyddyn 6 am ddiogelwch ar y we a chadw'n ddiogel wrth ddefnyddio agweddau gwahanol o'r rhyngrwyd, e.e. ystafelloedd sgwrsio, chwilio ar y we a gemau addas i'w hoedran.

The year 6 pupils were delighted when PC Bowen visited to discuss internet safety and keeping safe whilst using various aspect of the web, e.g chatrooms, browsing and age suitable games.

