
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Rhifedd/ Numeracy

Spring Term

Y tymor yma byddwn yn ffocysu ar y canlynol o fewn ein gwersi Mathemateg /

During this term we will be focusing on the following during our Maths lessons: 


  • Adnabod rhifau hyd at 1,000 / Recognise numbers up to 1,000;


  • Adnabod rhifau negyddol mewn cyd-destun tymheredd / To recognise negative numbers in the context of temperature;


  • Adio tri yna bedwar rhif un-digid yn y penAdding 3 and 4 one-digit numbers;


  • Adnabod priodweddau siapau 2D a 3D / Recognise 2D and 3D properties';


  • Darllen oriau a munudau ar gloc digidol 12 awr / Read and recognise hours and minutes on a 12-hour digital clock;


  • Mesur pwysau mas mewn gramau a chilogramau / To measure weight and mass in grams and kilograms;


  • Dilyniannau rhif e.e. cyfrif fesul 2, 3, 4 o wahanol bwyntiau cychwyn / Number sequences i.e. counting by 2, 3, 4 from different starting points.


  • Adio tri rhif dau-ddigid /Add three two-digit numbers;


  • Adnabod ffracsiynau gwahanol fel rhan o un cyfan / To recognise  fractions as part of a whole.


  • Casglu, cyflwyno a dehongli data mewn pictogramau, graffiau bar, diagram Venn a diagram Carroll / Collect, present and interpret data in pictograms, bar graphs, Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams.

Autumn Term

Y tymor yma byddwn yn ffocysu ar y canlynol o fewn ein gwersi Mathemateg 

            During this term we will be focusing on the following during our Maths lessons:             

  • Dysgu tablau hyd at 2, 5, 10, 3 a 4 / Learn times tables up to 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4;


  • Ysgrifennu rhifau hyd at fil / Writing number to a thousand;


  • Adio a thynnu 1, 10 a 100 at unrhyw rif / Adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 at any number;


  • Amcangyfrif i'r 10 a'r 100 agosaf / Estimating to the nearest 10 and 100;


  • Defnyddio arian i dalu am a chyfri newid hyd at £5 / Use money to pay for items and calculate change up to £5;


  • Mesur hyd i'r hanner cm agosaf / Measure length to the nearest half cm;


  • Darllen yr amser ar gloc analog a digidol i'r pum munud agosaf / Tell the time on an analogue and digital clock to the nearest five minutes;


  • Adnabod enwau a phriodweddau siapau 2D a 3D / Recognise names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes.