Thema tymor yr Hydref - Autumn term theme
Rhestr diemwnt / Diamond ranking
I ddechrau'r thema newydd cafodd Blwyddyn 3 neges mewn potel! Llythyr hynod o bwysig o Gapten Carwyn. Dyma'r llythyr ar ffurf cod QR:
To start the new theme Year 3 received a message a bottle. It was a very important message from Captain Carwyn. Here's a copy of the letter in a QR code:
Ar ôl darllen y llythyr, cafodd y dosbarth cipolwg o beth oedd yn y cyst drysor. Yna, roedd yn rhaid iddyn nhw ddewis 9 eitem o'r cyst er mwyn helpu Capten Carwyn i fyw ar yr ynys a'u trefnu yn ôl defnyddioldeb. Dyma luniau o'r wers:
After reading the letter, the class got the opportunity to have a look at the contents of the treasure chest. Then, they had to choose 9 items from the chest to help Captain Carwyn live on the island and organise in order of usefulness. Here are some photos from the lesson:
Rysáit trofanol / Tropical recipe
Un o weithgareddau gwaith cartref yr hanner tymor yma oedd coginio rysáit trofannol a'i ddod i’w rhannu gyda’r dosbarth! Dyma sampl o'r holl fwyd blasus sydd wedi cyrraedd y dosbarth:
One of the home work activities during this half term was to cook a tropical recipe and to bring it in and share with the class! Here is a sample of the tasty food:
Cwcis trofannol Salad ffrwyth trofannol Hwb egni trofannol
Tropical cookies Tropical fruit salad Tropical energy boosts
Myffins banana Treiffl trofannol Pitsa Hawaiaidd
Banana muffins A tropical trifle Hawaiian pizza
Pinafal wedi rhostio Cacen trofannol Iâ cneuen goco
Roasted pineapple Tropical cake Coconut ice
Cacen gaws pinafal a chneuen goco Cacennau trofannol Cebabs ffrwyth trofannol
Pineapple and coconut cheescake Tropical fairy cakes Tropical fruit kebabs
Gwledd trofanol
A tropical feast
Bisgedi lemwn Cebabs trofannol Cacen pinafal
Lemon biscuits Tropical kebabs Pineapple cake
Cebabs melon Cacen cneuen goco Crwst drofannol
Melon kebabs Coconut cake Tropical pastries
Cacen cneuen goco Cebabs ffrwyth trofannol Bisgedi cneuen goco
Coconut cake Tropical fruit kebabs Coconut biscuits
Profiteroles trofannol
Tropical profiteroles
Ein Ynys / Our Island
Dyma ni yn trafod ein syniadau am ein ynys ni:
Here we are brainstorming our ideas for our very own island:

Sgiliau Mapio / Mapping skills
Dyma ni yn ymarfer ein sgiliau mapio er mwyn helpu Capten Carwyn i ddianc o'r goedwig. Gwnaethom dynnu mapiau syml gyda symbolau, dod o hyd i gyfeirnod grid map, casglu gwybodaeth o dan do a chael hyd i atebion gan ddefnyddio’r adnoddau a ddarperir:
Here we are practising our map skills to help Captain Carwyn escape the tropical forest. We drew simple maps with symbols, found map grid references and collected information indoors using the resources provided:
Ar ôl ymarfer ein sgiliau mapio gwnaethom osod ein syniadau am ein hynys ar fap. Yna, gwnaethom gofnodi'r cyfeirnodau grid cywir ar gyfer yr holl atyniadau arbennig. Gwnaeth Capten Carwyn hyd yn oed cameo ar y map!
After practising our map skills we placed our ideas for our island on a map. Then, we made a note of the grid references for all the brilliant attractions. Captain Carwyn even made a cameo on our class map!
Cystadleuaeth rafftiau / Raft competition
Dros hanner tymor gosodwyd yr her o greu rafft i helpu Capten Carwyn ddianc o'r ynys. Dyma luniau o'r gystadleuaeth rhwng dosbarth Miss Beynon a Miss Dark i ddod o hyd i ba ddosbarth allai creu'r nifer mwyaf o rafftiau i arnofio yn llwyddiannus. Y canlyniadau...canlyniadau cyfartal:
Over half term the challenge was set to create a raft to help Captain Carwyn escape the island. Here are photos of the competition between Miss Beynon and Miss Darks class to see which class could create the biggest number of rafts that could float. The result...a draw!
Bwyd ar yr ynys / Food on the island
Yr wythnos yma gofynnodd Capten Carwyn i'r dosbarth ddidoli'r bwyd sydd ar yr ynys. Bwyd megis pinafal, adar, pryfed blewog, madarch a brogaod lliwgar. Gosodwyd yr her i drefnu'r bwyd i fwyd sy'n ddiogel i'w fwyta a bwyd i beidio bwyta oherwydd peryglon amrywiol. Ar ôl didoli gofynnwyd i grwpiau greu poster i helpu Capten Carwyn gofio'r gwahanol fwydydd:
This week Captain Carwyn asked the class to sort the different foods available on the island. Food such as pineapples, birds, hairy insects, mushrooms and colourful frogs. The challenge was set to sort the foods to those that are safe to eat and those that shouldn't be eaten because of certain dangers. After sorting, the different groups were asked to create a poster to help Captain Carwyn remember the different foods. Here the class are busy sorting:
Day in the life of Captain Carwyn
Bu'r dosbarth yn brysur yn creu symudiadau i gyd-fynd â darn ysgrifennu 'A day in the life of Captain Carwyn' (addasiad o lyfr 'Treasure Island') yn null Pie Corbett. Dyma sampl o'r symudiadau gwefreiddiol:
The class have been busy creating actions to go with the written piece 'A day in the life of Captain Carwyn' (an adaption from 'Treasure Island') in the style of Pie Corbett. Here is a sample of the awesome actions:
Day in the life of Captain

Yn dilyn dysgu'r symudiadau cafwyd cyfle i greu map stori o'r darn ysgrifennu 'A day in the life of Captain Carwyn' mewn grwp:
Following learning the actions we created a story map of 'A day in the life of Captain Carwyn' in groups:
Cynllunio cartref Eco newydd / Designing a new Eco home
Derbyniodd Blwyddyn 3 neges arall mewn potel yr wythnos hon o Gapten Carwyn. Gofynnodd Capten Carwyn iddynt ei helpu i gynllunio cartref eco newydd ar yr ynys. Rhaid oedd cynnwys 2 ffynhonnell egni adnewyddadwy. Felly, i ddechrau gwnaethom ganolbwyntio ar ddysgu mwy am egni adnewyddadwy, h.y. Sut maen nhw'n gweithio a'u manteision ac anfanteision:
Year 3 received another message in a bottle from Captain Carwyn this week. The message asked them to help him design a new eco home on the island compromising of 2 renewable energy sources. So, for this session we learned more about the different renewable energy sources, how they work and their advantages and disadvantages:
Arferion Nadolig / Christmas traditions
Wrth i'r Nadolig agosau rydym wedi bod yn dysgu mwy am arferion Nadolig ar draws y byd. Mae'r wybodaeth yma wedi ein helpu a sbarduno i feddwl am arferion Nadolig gall fod ar yr ynys:
As Christmas approaches we have been learning more about Christmas traditions around the world. This information spurred us on to think about Christmas traditions that could be on the island: