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- Class Pages / Tudalennau Dosbarth
- Class Pages Archive: 2019-2020
- Blwyddyn 3 - Miss Dark
- Gwefannau defnyddiol / Useful Websites
BBC Bitesize Gwersi Dyddiol - Cyfnod Allweddol 2 / Daily lessons KS2 (Welsh medium)
Teacher Talk: BBC Bitesize Cyfres o wersi byr o bynciau amrywiol wedi'u cyflwyno ar ffurf fideo / A series of short lessons in a variety of subjects presented in video format
Rhifedd / Numeracy
Daily 10 Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau rhifedd / An opportunity to improve numeracy skills
Hit the Button Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau rhifedd / An opportunity to improve numeracy skills
The Math Factor Ysgol Fathemateg Arlein / Online Maths School
CoolMath4Kids Gemau mathemateg a brainteasers / A whole host of maths games and brainteasers
Maths is Fun Adnodd defnyddiol o broblemau mathemateg / Handy real-life demonstrations of maths problems
Llythrennedd / Literacy
Adnoddau Cymraeg / Welsh resources
Gloywi Iaith Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau gloywi iaith Cymraeg / An opportunity to improve Welsh language skills
Y Sbridiau Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau gloywi iaith Cymraeg / An opportunity to improve Welsh language skills
Ditectif Geirau Cyfle i gefnogi sgiliau darllen a deall Cymraeg / An opportunity to support Welsh reading and comprehension skills
Chwedlau Rhyngweithiol Casgliad o weithgareddau digidol rhyngweithiol wedi’u lefelu yn seiliedig ar 12 chwedl Gymreig / A collection of interactive digital activities based on 12 Welsh folktales
Cywirdeb Iaith Gweithgareddau cywirdeb iaith Cymraeg / Welsh language accuracy activities
Cliciadur Papur Newydd Cymraeg / Welsh Newspaper
Gweiddi Cylchgrawn digidol yn y Gymraeg / Welsh digital magazine
Bili a'r Mipinnau - Pennod 1 Llyfr Llafar o addasiad o lyfr Roald Dahl / Audiobook of the Welsh version of Roald Dahl's 'Billy and the Minions'
Atebol Y lle am lyfrau ac adnoddau Cymraeg / The place for Welsh books and resources
Amser Stori Atebol Rhestr chwarae yn cynnwys fideos o nifer o lyfrau stori a llun Cymraeg a dwyieithog / Playlist of free videos of many of our Welsh and bilingual picture books
Cyw Tiwb Gwyliwch holl raglenni gwasnaeth plant bach S4C Cyw mewn awyrgylch saff a lliwgar / Watch all the S4C childrens programmes in a safe environment
Treiglad Meddal Cân adolygu treiglad meddal / Soft mutation revision song
Berfau Gorffennol Cân adolygu berfau gorffennoll / Past tense verbs revision song
Adnoddau Saesneg / English resources
Fabled Fabled is a place to create and share your stories.
Storyline Online Gwefan Llythrennedd / Literacy Website
RWI Phonics Lessons Live streaming RWI phonics lessons to do at home
Phonics Play Safle yn llawn gemau ffoneg rhyngweithiol / Site packed with interactive phonics games
Pie Corbett Daily English lessons at 9:30am
Readaxation Adnoddau darllen yn Saesneg a Chymraeg / Free and easy reading resources in both English and Welsh
Audible Stories Llyfrau llafar am ddim / Free audiobooks in several languages
Storytime with David Walliams Amser stori gyda David Walliams
David Walliams Adnoddau ynglwm â llyfrau David Walliams / Activities to do with David Walliams books
Seussville Online home of the wonderful world of Dr Seuss, with games, videos and character profiles
Storytime with Floella Benjamin Amser stori gyda Floella Benjamin
Inventors Who Changed the World Llyfr Llafar (Saesneg) / Audiobook
Courageous People Who Changed the World Llyfr Llafar (Saesneg) / Audiobook
Giraffes Can't Dance Llyfr Llafar (Saesneg) / Audiobook
Unicorn (and Horse) Llyfr llafar (Saeneg) / Audiobook
Dave the Dog is Worried about the Coronavirus Reassuring story to read for those who are anxious and worried about the Coronavirus
Ieithoedd / Languages
Duolingo Platfform dysgu iaith / A language-learning platform
European word translator Map rhyngweithiol sy'n cyfieithu geiriau / An interactive map that translates words
Dyniaethau / Humanities
Time Magazine for Kids Cylchgrawn sy'n dod â newyddion go iawn a gwybodaeth diddorol i bobl ifanc / Magazine that brings real news and enlightening information to young people
Wonderopolis Gwefan sy'n gofyn ac ateb cwestiynau diddorol am y byd / An informational site that asks and answers interesting questions about the world
World Games Gemau rhyngweithiol daearyddol / Geographic interactive games
GEOgraphy Focus Dysgwch am holl wledydd y byd / Learn about all the countries of the world through fun videos
Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology
NASA Kids' Club Popeth am y bydysawd rydyn ni'n byw ynddo / Learn all about the universe we live in
Science - The Children's University of Manchester Porwch drwy nifer o wahanol bynciau gwyddonol / Browse a number of different science topics which have a quiz
Sublime Science 101 o arbrofion gwyddoniaeth i wneud adref / 101 free and fun science experiments to try at home
Blockly Games Dysgu sgiliau rhaglennu cyfrifiadurol / Learn computer programming skills
Scratch Rhaglennu cyfrifiadurol creadigol / Creative computer programming
Hour of Code Gemau codio byr gyda heriau bach / Short coding games with small challenges
Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts
Huw Aaron - Criw Celf Fideo bob dydd am 3 o'r gloch - yn arlunio llunie dwl, cartŵns, storis, a dangos y broses gweithio / Welsh-language drawing video for kids every day
Orielodl Gwersi lluniadu o dan arweiniad / Directed drawing lessons
Art for Kids Hub Gwersi lluniadu o dan arweiniad / Directed drawing lessons
Megan Tucker Illustration Art Club Heriau celf wythnosol / Weekly art challenges
Sea Lemon Craft Fideos crefft / Crafty DIY videos
Myleene's Music Klass Syflaenni cerddoriaeth / Basics of music
The Drama Geezers Rhannu gweithgaredd drama pob dydd / Sharing a drama activity a day
Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing
Active 8 Gweithgareddau ffitrwydd 8 munud i blant / 8 minute workouts for kids
5 Minute Move Gweithgareddau ffitrwydd egniol byr i blant / Short energising workouts for kids
P.E. with Joe Ymarfer corff dyddiol / Daily workouts
Cosmic Kids Yoga Gwneud ioga ac ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar yn hwyl i blant / Making yoga and mindfulness fun for kids
Dance with Oti Mabuse Ymarferion hwyl wedi selio o gwmpas cymeriadau Disney / Fun exercises themed around Disney characters
Zumba Class with SibuFit Gwersi Zumba fyw am 7yp ar ddydd Llun, Mercher a Gwener / Free live online Zumba lessons at 7pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Sport England Syniadau ar sut i wneud ymarfer corff y tu mewn a'r tu allan. Beth am roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd? / Ideas on how to exercise indoors and outdoors. Why not try something new?
British Cycling Calendr gweithgaredd dyddiol i'ch helpu chi i ddysgu reidio beic / Daily activity calendar to help guide you to learn to ride a bike
NHS 10 Minute Home Cardio Workout Ymarfer corff ar gyfer ffitrwydd aerobig / Cardio workout routine for aerobic fitness
Outdoor Learning Ideas Llyfrgello dros 900 o adnoddau ar-lein Dysgu Awyr Agored ac Ysgol Goedwig / Growing library of over 900 Outdoor Learning & Forest School online resources
Calm Ymarfer ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a myfyrdod / Practice mindfulness and meditation
Kids Cook with Theo Gwers coginio byw bob dydd Llun, Mercher a Gwener am 4yp / Live cookalong every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm
Cyffredinol / General
Newsround Cylchgrawn Newyddion / News Magazine Programme
BBC Live Lessons Cyfres o wersi rhyngweithiol / A series of interactive lessons
The Great Indoors Syniadau o weithgareddau o dan do gan y Scouts / Great ideas from the Scouts for indoor activities at home
J2Blast Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau silllafu a rhifedd / An opportunity to improve spelling and numeracy skills
Kahoot! Platfform dysgu ar sail gêm / Game-based learning platform
Switch Zoo Gemau Anifeiliaid / Animal Games
Chester Zoo Llif byw o Sw Caer / Live stream from Chester Zoo
ABCya! Gemau Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Games
Fun Brain Gemau Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Games
BrainPOP Safle Addysgol wedi'i Animeiddio / Animated Educational Site
Starfall Gemau Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Games
Highlights Cylchgrawn Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Magazine
Appiau / Apps
- PicCollage;
- Chatterpix;
- Morfo;
- Top Trump It;
- Stop Motion Studio;
- Google Earth;
- Kahoot;
- ScratchJr;
- Book Creator;
- Puppet Pals 2;
- Animation Kit;
- Minecraft for Education;
- We Do (Lego);
- Garage Band;
- Veescope;
- Do Ink;
- iMovie;
- Borrow Box.