Ymweliad o AS... / An MP visits...
Cafodd pawb eu ysbrydoli gan sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda Tonia Antoniazzi AS ar bwysigrwydd democratiaeth.
Everybody was inspired by a Q&A with Tonia Antoniazzi MP on the importance of democracy.
Gwyl Tenis / Tennis Festival
Dyma luniau ohonon ni'n ymarfer ein sgiliau tenis yng Nghanolfan Tenis Abertawe yn rhan o Wyl Tenis yr Urdd.
Here are some photos of us practising our tennis skills at the Tennis Centre in Swansea as part of the Urdds Tennis Festival.
Gorymdaith Bonedau Pasg / Easter Bonnet Parade
Llongyfarchiadau i enillwyr yr orymdaith bonedau Pasg! Hyfryd oedd gweld yr holl fonedau yn gorymdeithio.
Congratulations to the class winners in the Easter bonnet parade! It was wonderful seeing all the bonnets being paraded.
Diwrnod Sanau Gwirion / World Down Syndrome Day
Llongyfarchiadau i enillydd cystadleuaeth dylunio sanau gwirion y dosbarth!
Congratulations to the class winner for their design in the odd socks competition!
Naid Noddedig / Sponsored Bounce
Dyma ychydig o luniau o'r naid noddedig. Ar ôl neidio gwnaethon ni eistedd mewn hen ambiwlans awyr. Gwnaethon ni mwynhau'r cyfle!
Here are some photos taken during the sponsored bounce. Once we bounced we were given the opportunity to take a seat in an old air ambulance. We loved it!
Pythefnos Masnach Deg / Fair Trade Fortnight
Dyma ni yn barod i wneud prawf dall ar gynnyrch Masnach Deg. Roedd yn rhaid i ni flasu banana, siocled, bisgedi a siocled poeth Masnach Deg a chymharu gydag eitemau arferol. Gwnaethon ni gofnodi ein hoff gynnyrch ar dabl ac rydyn ni wedi bod wrthi'n casglu a chofnodi data'r dosbarth.
Here we are ready to do a blind test on some Fair Trade products. We tasted some Fair Trade bananas, chocolate, biscuits and hot chocolate and compared them with normal products. We made a note of our preferred products on a table and then went on to collect and record the classes' data.
Sul y Mamau / Mothering Sunday
Buon ni'n brysur yn paratoi cardiau Sul y Mamau. Roedden ni wrth ein boddau gyda'r garden orffenedig; dyma sampl o ychydig ohonynt:
We have been busy preparing Mothering Sunday cards. We were thrilled with the finished product; here is a small sample of a few:
Cyflwyniad Arbennig / Special Presentation
Dyma luniau o gyflwyniad bywiog a digrif 'Theatr mewn Addysg' yn seiliedig ar fywyd Robert Record. Cyfle euraidd i ni ymarfer sgiliau rhifyddeg pen pellach.
Here are some photos from the lively and humorous 'Theatre in Education' presentation based around the life of Robert Record. A golden opportunity for us to practice mental arithmetic skills.
Eisteddfod CA2/ KS2 Eisteddfod
Dyma ymgeiswyr y dosbarth am gystadleuaeth y genhinen bedr orau.
Here are this years class entries for the best daffodil competition.
Wythnos y Llyfr/ Book Week
Dyma ni wedi gwisgo fel ein hoff gymeriad llenyddol.
Here we are dressed up as our favourite literary characters.
Dyma ychydig o luniau o weithdy llyfrau gyda David Brayley. Roedden ni wedi mwynhau dysgu am ei lwyddianau wrth ysgrifennu llyfrau yn cynnwys 'Ashley Williams - My Premier League Diary' (Y Lolfa). Gwnaeth Mr Brayley hefyd ddarllen detholiad o'i nofel gyntaf 'Champions of Champions' (Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd).
Here are a few photos from the author workshop with David Brayley. We enjoyed hearing about his success as a writer and author including writing 'Ashley Williams - My Premier League Diary' (Y Lolfa). Mr Brayley also read an extract from his first novel 'Champions of Champions'. (Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd).
'Storiau a bisgedi' - Cyfle i ymlacio gyda gwydryn o laeth ac ychydig o fisgedi wrth wrando ar stori.
'Stories and Cookies' - A chance to relax with a glass of milk and some cookies whilst listening to a story.
Criced / Cricket
Sesiwn flasu criced gyda Chriced Cymru.
Cricket taster session with Cricket Wales.
Diwrnod San Folan / St Valentines Day
I ddathlu diwrnod San Folan gwnaethon ni feddwl am yr holl bethau rydym yn dwli am YGG Pontybrenin.
To celebrate St Valentines Day we thought about all the things we love about YGG Pontybrenin and wrote them on a post-it to create a heart filled with positivity.
Diwrnod e-ddiogelwch / Safer Internet Day
Ar Chwefror y 6ed, gwnaethom gyd-weithio gyda'n gilydd er mwyn creu cytundeb defnydd derbyniol ar gyfer defnyddio offer TGCh yn ddiogel yn yr ysgol.
On February the 6th, we worked together to create an use of agreement contract for using ITC equipment safely in school.
Hefyd, gwnaethom liwio profiadau ar-lein gan ddefnyddio lliw i gynrychioli'r ffordd orau o adlewyrchu sut bydden nhw'n gwneud i ni deimlo.
Also, we coloured on-line experiences by using colours to represent the best way of reflecting how these experiences made us feel.
Rhinweddau cyfeillgarwch / Friendship qualities
Gwnaethom gyd-weithio gyda'n gilydd er mwyn trefnu rhinweddau cyfeillgarwch yn ôl pwysigrwydd yn rhan o wers ABCh. Yna, gwnaethom ddewis y rhinwedd mwyaf pwysig a chynnig rheswm pam yn ein grwpiau.
Here, we worked together to organise friendship qualities in order of importance as part of a PSHE lesson. Once sorted, we chose the most important quality and offered reasons why in our groups.
Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen / St Dwynwen's Day
Dyma ni'n galw i gof ein gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o stori Dwynwen. I ddechrau, gwnaethom drefnu'r stori. Yna, gwnaethom ddidoli datganiadau o'r stori i fod yn wir neu gau:
Here we are recalling our knowledge and understanding of St Dwynwen's story. First, we arranged the story. Then, we sorted true or false statements from the story accordingly:
Blwyddyn Newydd / New Year
I groeso'r Flwyddyn Newydd gwnaethom gwblhau nifer o weithgareddau yn cynnwys gwneud addunedau Blwyddyn Newydd, creu llyfr fflip 2018 a dyma ni'n darllen ac yn dysgu am ofergoeliaeth Blwyddyn Newydd ar draws y byd:
To ring in the New Year we completed a number of activities including making some New Years resolutions, creating a flip book and here we are reading and learning all about New Year superstitions around the world.
Gwobr Pwyntiau Dojo / Dojo Points Prize
Llongyfarchiadau i'r un yma am lwyddo i ennill y nifer mwyaf o bwyntiau Dojo yn ystod tymor yr Hydref. Pwy fydd yn ennill tro nesaf tybed?
Congratulations to this one for succeeding in winning the most Dojo points during the Autumn term. Wonder who'll win next term?
Cardiau a Chalendrau / Cards and Calendars
Dyma rhai ohonom ni gyda'n cardiau Nadolig a Chalendrau yn barod am 2018:
Here are some of us with our handmade Christmas cards and calendars ready for 2018:
Gweithdy 'Cadw'n Smart' / 'Keeping Smart' workshop
Daeth PC Bowen i ymweld â ni heddiw er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth am gadw'n smart ar-lein. Gwnaethom ddysgu llawer yn cynnwys cyngor ar sut i greu cyfrinair cryf! Cewch hyd i ddolen schoolbeat.org isod:
PC Bowen came to visit us today to raise awareness of how to keep smart on-line. We learnt a lot including tips of how to create a strong password. You can find a link to the schoolbeat.org website below:
'Mad Science'
Ar gyfer gwasanaeth heddiw daeth gwyddonwr gwyllt a llond llaw o arbrofion hynod o gyffrous!
For todays' assembly we had a visit from a mad scientist! He was armed with a handful of cool experiments, we were all in awe!
Ffair Nadolig / Christmas fair
Ar gyfer y ffair Nadolig gwnaethom ni greu addurniadau yn defnyddio hen fotymau wedi'u hailgylchu. Gwnaethom greu coed Nadolig bach pert allan o'r botymau drwy wau llinyn o metal drwy'r botymau wedi trefnu o'r lleiaf i'r mwyaf. Ymgyrch llwyddiannus!
For the Christmas fair we created decorations using old recycled buttons . We created small pretty Christmas trees by weaving metal string through the buttons sorted from small to large. A successful operation!
Dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang / Global citizenship
Heddiw gwnaethom ddysgu mwy am addysg yn Lesotho. Dyma ni yn edrych ar luniau o agweddau gwahanol o ddysgu yn Lesotho. Gwnaethom ystyried beth hoffwn wybod mwy am. Ar ddiwedd y sesiwn gwnaethom sylweddoli pa mor lwcus rydym ni yng Nghymru.
Today we learnt more about education in Lesotho. Here we are looking at a series of pictures of different aspects of education in Lesotho and contemplating what we'd like to know more about. At the end of the session we realised how lucky we are in Wales.
Plant mewn angen / Children in Need
Gwisgodd pawb i pajamas gorau i'r ysgol heddiw!
Everyone wore their best pajamas to school today!
Ymweliad â'r llyfrgell / Library visit
Gwnaeth pawb fwynhau ymweld â'r llyfrgell am y tro cyntaf ym mlwyddyn 3. Ymddygiad ysblennydd gan bawb!
Everyone enjoyed the first visit in year 3 to the library. Superb behaviour shown by all!
Gwobr presenoldeb / Attendance reward
Gwnaeth y dosbarth fwynhau sesiwm yn Simply Play prynhawn yma fel gwobr am fod y dosbarth gyda'r presenoldeb gorau'r hanner tymor diwethaf. Cafwyd hwyl gan bawb!
The class thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon session at Simply Play as a reward for having the best attendance in KS2 last half term. A great time was had by all!
Diogelwch Noson Tân Gwyllt / Safety on fireworks night
Er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth ar gyfer noson tân gwyllt aeth y dosbarth ati i greu posteri diogelwch. Gwelwyd detholiad o bosteri deniadol a lliwgar!
To raise awareness for keeping safe during the festivites of November the 5th, the class created safety posters. A selection of colourful and appealing posters were created by all!
Diwrnod Shwmae Su'mae / Shwmae Su'mae day
Er mwyn dathlu diwrnod Shwmae Su'mae cafodd pob grŵp prosiect o greu darn o gelf a oedd yn sillafu 'Shwmae'. Roedd yn rhaid i bob unigolyn ddewis llythyren a'i addurno gyda thema Cymreig mewn golwg. Gwelwyd doniau creadigol gwych! Diolch i Harley am dynnu'r lluniau:
To celebrate Shwmae Su'mae day each group created a piece of art which ultimately spelled 'Shwmae'. Each individual chose a letter and decorated it with a Welsh theme. A distinct creative flair was clear to see! Thanks to Harley for the photography:
Cân 'Bonjour ca va paroles'
Bore coffi Macmillan / Macmillan coffee morning
Gwnaeth bawb fwynhau lluniaeth y bore coffi. Diolch i bawb a gyfranodd. Dyma ychydig o luniau o'r dosbarth yn joio mas draw:
Everybody loved the refreshments on offer at the coffee morning. Thanks to everyone that contributed. Here are some photos of the class thoroughly enjoying the sweet treats available:
Etholiad pwyllgorau / Committee election
Pwy fuodd yn llwyddiannus? Dewch o hyd i'r wybodaeth ar y linc ar brif dudalen y dosbarth. Diolch i Mr Evans am ddod mewn ac esbonio pwysigrwydd etholiad teg.
Who was successful? Find out by following the link on the main class page. Thank you to Mr Evans for coming in and explaining the importance of a fair election.
Dysgu Ffrangeg / Learning French
Sialens Twr Sbageti / Spaghetti Tower Challenge
Yn ystod yr wythnos gyntaf cafwyd cyfle i'r dosbarth ymgyfarwyddo â chyd-weithio. Cyflwynwyd adnoddau penodol; 20 darn o sbageti, 1 metr o dâp, 1 metr o linyn, 2 siswrn a 1 malws melys. Roedd ganddynt 20 munud i greu twr a allai sefyll ar ben ei hun â'r malws melys ar ben er mwyn mesur. Dyma'r canlyniadau...
During the first week the class was given the opportunity to work as a team. Specific resources were provided; 20 pieces of spaghetti, 1 meter of tape, 1 meter of string, 2 scissors and 1 marshmallow. They had 20 minutes to create a tower that could stand alone with the marshmallow on top ready to measure. Here are the results ...
Brwydr peli eira /Snowball fight
Ar ddiwrnod cyntaf y tymor cafwyd cyfle i'r dosbarth ymrwymo gyda'i gilydd. I ddechrau, bu rhaid iddynt greu hunan bortread gan gynnwys 3 ffaith. Yna, roedd rhaid iddynt grychu'r papur. Nesaf, cafwyd brwydr peli eira! Ar ôl i'r frwydr orffen roedd yn rhaid iddynt ddewis ac agor pelen eira a cheisio dyfalu pwy oedd yn berchen ar y belen. Joiodd pawb mas draw!
On the first day of term the class was given the opportunity to engage with each other. Initially, they had to create a self portrait including 3 facts. Then they had to scrunch up the paper and a snowball battle ensued! After the battle was finished they had to choose and open a snowball and try to guess who owned the ball. Fun was had by all!