
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Prosiect HAPUS FY MYD: Diwrnod 4

HAPUS FY MYD project: Day 4

Dŵdlan, canu a mwy... | Doodling, singing and more...

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Paratoi am ein "balconi" newydd*

Preparing for our new "balcony"*

*Diolch Mrs Davies a Morgan | Thank you Mrs Davies and Morgan

Prosiect HAPUS FY MYD: Diwrnod 3

HAPUS FY MYD project: Day 3

Dŵdlan i gerddoriaeth | Doodling to music 🎶

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Dysgu am y curiad | Learning about the beat 👏🏻

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Gwneud cuddfannau a pheis mwd

Making dens and mud pies in the Nature Reserve

Cuddfan 1

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Peis 1

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Cuddfan 2

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Prosiect HAPUS FY MYD: Diwrnod 2

HAPUS FY MYD project: Day 2

Gweithio gyda Kate a Marian 💛

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Lawnsio Eisteddfod Dur a Môr

Launching Eisteddfod Dur a Môr

Prosiect HAPUS FY MYD: Diwrnod 1

HAPUS FY MYD project: Day 1

Cynhesu gyda Kate | Warming up with Kate

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Myfyrio | Meditating

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Diwrnod Cyntaf

First Day
