- Home
- Plant/Children
- Class Pages / Tudalennau Dosbarth
- Class Pages Archive: 2019-2020
- Blwyddyn 5- Mrs Parkhouse
- Cynorthwyo eich plentyn / Assisting your child
- Cysylltiadau defnyddiol / Useful links
Rhifedd / Numeracy
Daily 10 Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau rhifedd / An opportunity to improve numeracy skills
Hit the Button Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau rhifedd / An opportunity to improve numeracy skills
Alien Addition Gem 'space-invaders' yn ymarfer adio / 'Space-invaders' games for addition
Super Maths Bowling Multiplication Cyfle i ymarfer tablau a lluosi / An opportunity to revise times tables and multiplication
Llythrennedd / Literacy
Gloywi Iaith Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau gloywi iaith Cymraeg / An opportunity to improve Welsh language skills
Y Sbridiau Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau gloywi iaith Cymraeg / An opportunity to improve Welsh language skills
Ditectif Geirau Cyfle i gefnogi sgiliau darllen a deall Cymraeg / An opportunity to support Welsh reading and comprehension skills
Cywirdeb Iaith Gweithgareddau cywirdeb iaith Cymraeg / Welsh language accuracy activities
Cliciadur Papur Newydd Cymraeg / Welsh Newspaper
Storyline Online Gwefan Llythrennedd / Literacy Website
Gweiddi Cylchgrawn digidol / Digital magazine
Treiglad Meddal Cân adolygu treiglad meddal / Soft mutation revision song
Berfau Gorffennol Cân adolygu berfau gorffennoll / Past tense verbs revision song
Cyffredinol / General
J2Blast Cyfle i ymarfer sgiliau silllafu a rhifedd / An opportunity to improve spelling and numeracy skills
Kahoot! Platfform dysgu ar sail gêm / Game-based learning platform
Wonderopolis Gwefan sy'n gofyn ac ateb cwestiynau diddorol am y byd / An informational site that asks and answers interesting questions about the world
The Scout Association - Indoor Activities Nifer fawr o weithgareddau amrywiol / A large number of indoor activities
Fun Brain Gemau Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Games
BrainPOP Safle Addysgol wedi'i Animeiddio / Animated Educational Site
Starfall Gemau Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Games
Highlights Cylchgrawn Rhyngweithiol / Interactive Magazine
Art for Kids Hub Gwersi lluniadu o dan arweiniad / Directed drawing lessons
Tynker Codio gyda chyfarwyddiadau syml / Coding with simple instructions
Scratch Codio gyda chyfarwyddiadau syml / Coding with simple instructions
Active 8 Gweithgareddau ffitrwydd 8 munud i blant / 8 minute workouts for kids
5 Minute Move Gweithgareddau ffitrwydd egniol byr i blant / Short energising workouts for kids
Appiau / Apps
- PicCollage;
- Chatterpix;
- Morfo;
- Top Trump It;
- Stop Motion Studio;
- Google Earth;
- Kahoot;
- ScratchJr;
- Book Creator;
- Puppet Pals 2;
- Animation Kit;
- Minecraft for Education;
- We Do (Lego);
- Garage Band;
- Veescope;
- Do Ink;
- iMovie.