
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Thema / Theme

'Astrix a'r Gemau Olympaidd' 

(Haf 2021 - Rhan 1 / Summer 2021 - Part 2)

'Little people BIG dreams: David Attenborough' 

(Gwanwyn 2021 - Rhan 2 / Spring 2021 - Part 2)

Gwelir MS Teams am fwy o fanylion.

See MS Teams for more information.

'Mae ein tŷ ni ar dân' 

(Gwanwyn 2021 - Rhan 1 / Spring 2021 - Part 1)

Gwelir MS Teams am fwy o fanylion.

See MS Teams for more information.

'The skies above our eyes' 

(Hydref 2020 - Rhan 2 / Autumn 2020 - Part 2)

Hydref 2020: Mae ein thema olaf am dymor y Gwanwyn wedi selio o gwmpas y llyfr 'The skies above our eyes'. Felly ffocws gweddill y tymor fydd y Gofod! 

Autumn 2020: Our final theme for the Autumn term is based around the book 'The skies above our eyes'. Therefore the focus for the remainder of term will be Space!

'Genod Gwych a Merched Medrus' 

(Hydref / Autumn 2020)

Hydref 2020: Mae ein thema am dymor y Gwanwyn wedi selio o gwmpas y llyfr 'Genod Gwych a Merched Medrus'. 

Autumn 2020: Our theme for the Autumn term is based around the book 'Genod Gwych a Merched Medrus'. 

Ar ôl darllen am Kate Bosse-Griffiths (Eifftolegydd enwog) roedden ni eisiau dysgu mwy am yr Aifft. Felly, dyma ni wedi gwisgo fel Eifftwyr hynafol yn barod am ddiwrnod rhithwyr yn y Ganolfan Eifftaidd sefydlwyd gan y ferch fedrus.

After reading about Kate Bosse-Griffiths (a famous Egyptologist) we wanted to learn more about Egypt. So, here we are dressed as ancient Egyptians ready for a virtual day at the Egyptian Centre which was established by set up by this great girl.


Gwnaeth pob un ohonom ymdrech anhygoel i wisgo i fyny. Dyma well golwg o'n gwisgoedd ni.

We all made an incredible effort to dress up. Here's a better view of our costumes.

Gwnaethon ni gynnal cystadleuaeth am y wisg orau, y wisg mwyaf dyfeisgar a ffefryn y dosbarth. Dyma'r canlyniadau...

We held a competition for the best costume, the creative outfit and the class favourite. Here are the results...

Diolch i Luke yn y Ganolfan am gyfeirio at Kate Bosse-Griffiths, am ddangos arteffactau amrywiol ac am ateb llond llaw o'n cwestiynau ni am fywyd yn yr Aifft hynafol.

Thanks to Luke at the Centre for referring to Kate Bosse-Griffiths, for showing various artefacts and for answering a handful of our questions about life in ancient Egypt.

Dawns y Mymïod - Mummy Dance

