
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Bant â'i Phen

 Buodd Blwyddyn 5 yn brysur ati yn ymchwilio i fywydau gwragedd Harri VIII er mwyn cynhyrchu bwletin newyddion ar achos eu marwolaeth. Dangosodd Blwyddyn 5 sgiliau cyfathrebu a TGCh arbennig wrth fynd ati i gwblhau'r dasg.


Year 5 have been busy researching into the lives of Henry VIII wives in order to produce a news bulletin about the cause of their deaths. Great communication and ITC skills were showed by all. 

Mae'r plant wedi bod yn ymarfer eu symudiadau ar gyfer Dawns y Tuduriaid yr wythnos hon. 

The children have been practicing their Tudor dance moves this week.

Dangosodd Blwyddyn 5 eu sgiliau adeilad wrth greu model 3D o gartref Tuduraidd. Yn wahanol i gartrefi heddiw, roedd cartrefi'r Tuduriaid yn bendrwm ac yn hanner goediog.


Year 5 demonstrated their construction skills creating a 3D model of a Tudor home. Interestingly, the houses were top heavy and half-timbered.

Dyma'r plant yn dadlau eu hachos dros y Ddeddf Uno 1536.

Here are the children arguing their cases on The Act of Union 1536.

I ddathlu 'Diwrnod y Llyfr' buodd Blwyddyn 5 yn edrych ar gloriau ddramau William Shakepeare ac yn rhagfynegi'r storiau.

To celebrate 'World Book Day' Year 5 looked at the covers of a few William Shakespeare plays and predicted what happened in the story.

Penderfynodd Blwyddyn 5 yr wythnos hon os oedd Harri VII yn haeddu’r teitl ‘Arwr Cymreig’. Dyma luniau o'r trafodaethau grŵp.

This week Year 5 decided if Henry VII deserved the title of a 'Welsh Hero'. Here are a few photos of the group discussion.

Yr wythnos hon ddysgodd Blwyddyn 5 am yr holl helynt tu ôl i Frwydr Bosworth.

This week Year 5 have been learning all about the drama that surrounded the Battle of Bosworth.

Dangosodd Blwyddyn 5 eu sgiliau creadigol wrth greu rhosod Tuduraidd pert.

Year 5 have been demonstrating their creative skills by creating pretty Tudor roses.

Dyma esiampl o sgiliau meddwl y dosbarth wrth ddysgu am fywyd cynnar Harri Tudur.

Here is an example of the class learning about the early life of Henry Tudor using some key thinking skills.
