Sgiliau Hanfodol i'w Hymarfer/Essential Skills to Practice
*Cyfathrebu - siarad a thrafod yn ddyddiol/ Communication - talking and discussing daily
*Sgiliau llawdrin manwl e.e sgiliau torri, clymu, datod botymau, peintio â bysedd/ Fine-motor skills e.g cutting skills, tying knots, fastening buttons, painting with fingers etc.
*Sgiliau modur mawr e.e sgiliau pêl, neidio, cerdded ayyb/ Gross motor skills e.g ball skills, jumping, walking etc.
*Sgiliau Rhif - cyfri, adnabod rhifau, chwilio am siapiau, trefn dyddiol, grŵpio a didoli, amcangyfrif, adnabod patrymau ayyb / Number Skills - counting, recognition of number, shapes, daily routines, grouping and sorting, estimation, recognising patterns etc.
*Ymarfer sgiliau pensil /Practicing pencil skills
*Ymarfer cymryd tro/Taking turns
*Annibyniaeth e.e gwisgo cot/Independence - e.g putting their coat on independently