Hanner Tymor - Medi / Hydref
Yr hanner tymor yma byddwn yn ffocysu ar y canlynol o fewn ein gwersi mathemateg /
During this half term we will be focusing on the following during our maths lessons:
- Dysgu tablau hyd at 12 x 12 / Learn times tables up to 12x12
- e.e. Un dau yw dau, dau dau yw pedwar, tri dau yw chwech .........
- Ysgrifennu rhifau hyd at gan mil / Writing number to a hundred thousand
- e.e. tri chant a phedwar mil saith cant dau ddeg tri - 304 723
- Adolygu dulliau adio, tynnu, lluosi a rhannu (colofn a grid) / Revising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods (column and grid)
- Lluosi a rhannu gyda 10,100 a 1000 / Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100
Hanner Tymor - Tachwedd / Rhagfyr
Yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma rydym yn ffocysu ar y canlynol:
During this half term we are focusing on the following:
- Rhannu / Division - Rhannu yn defnyddio'r dull 'bus stop'. / Dividing using the 'bus stop' method.
- Amser / Time -
- Darllen y cloc analog a digidol. / Reading the analog and digital cloc.
- Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng amseroedd? / What's the difference between the times?
- e.e. Os ydw i'n gadael yr ysgol am chwarter wedi tri ac yn cyrraedd fy nghartref am ddeg munud i bedwar, pa mor hir yw'r daith? / If I leave school at quarter past three and I arrive home at ten to four, how long is the journey?
- Amserlenni / Time tables - Bysiau (buses) / Trenau (trains) / Trefn dydd (daily routine) / Ymweliad i'r sw (a visit to the zoo).
- Tablau / Times tables - Ymarferion dyddiol / daily chanting
- Fracsiynau / Fractions - hanner / half, chwarter / quarter, treian / third, pumed / fifth
- Talgrynnu / Rounding - i'r 10 / 100 / 1000 agosaf - to the nearest 10/100/1000
Hanner Tymor - Ionawr / Chwefror
Yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma rydym yn ffocysu ar y canlynol:
During this half term we are focusing on the following:
Adnabod a chategoreiddio trionglau
ee Beth yw nodweddion triongl hafalochrog, isosgeles a thriongl ongl sgwar?
Defnyddiwch y wefan yma i'ch helpu: https://www.mathsisfun.com/triangle.html
- Identify and categorize triangles
eg What are the characteristics of an equilateral triangle, isosceles and a right-angled triangle?
Use this site to help you: https://www.mathsisfun.com/triangle.html
Nodi siapiau cyfath a chyfiawnhau p’un a yw dau neu fwy o siapiau’n gyfath
Identify congruent shapes and justify whether two or more shapes are congruent
Datrys posau siâp.
Gellir fynd ati i ddefndyddio tangramau i greu siapiau gwahanol ar y wefan hon:
- Solve shape puzzles.
Using tangrams to create different shapes can be used on this site:
Defnyddio cyfesurynnau i bennu lleoliad
ee Sut mae gosod cyfesurynnau? (x,y,) (3,2) (ar draws, i fyny)
Dyma wefan arbennig i'ch helpu i ymarfer: https://www.mathsisfun.com/data/click-coordinate.html
- Use coordinates to determine location
eg How do I set coordinates? (x, y,) (3,2) (across, up)
Here is a special website to help you practice: https://www.mathsisfun.com/data/click-coordinate.html
Darllen, plotio ac ysgrifennu cyfesurynnau mewn un pedrant, e.e. (2,4)
Am engraifft o hyn defnyddiwch y wefan uchod.
- Read, plot and write co-ordinates in one quadrant, e.g. (2,4)
For an example of this please use the website above