Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (31/3/23)
“Am agwedd danllyd sy'n esblygu'n gyflym, lle rwyt ti'n ymdrechu i fod y fersiwn gorau ohonot ti dy hun. Gyda'r wythnos hon yn nodi'r drydedd wythnos yn olynol i ti ennill y mwyaf o sêr ar J2Stars. Ti yw seren y dosbarth ar hyn o bryd.”
''For a fast-evolving fiery work attitude, where you are striving to be the best version of yourself. With this week marking the third week in a row that you have won the most stars on J2Stars. You are the star of the class at the moment. "
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (24/3/23)
“Am dy allu anhygoel i ychwanegu dy greadigrwydd di-ddiwedd at hyd yn oed y tasgau mwyaf diflas ac anhyblyg, yn sicrhau bod dy waith bob amser yn llachar, cyfoethg a llawn dychymyg. Hawdd yw adnabod darn o dy waith mewn pentwr o dasgau. ”
''For your incredible ability to add your endless creativity to even the most boring and rigid of tasks, ensuring that your work is always bright, rich and full of imagination. It is easy to identify a piece of your work in a pile of tasks."
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (10/3/23)
“Am yr ail wythnos yn olynol, rwyt wedi ymdrechu'n haeddiannol o'r dystysgrif hon. Gyda cherdd acrostig hynod o farddonol am Anne Boleyn, llawn idiomau a gwefreiriau, rwyt ti'n arwain y ffordd ar hyn o bryd.”
''For the second week in a row, you have worked hard enough to deserve this certificate. With a highly impressive acrostic poem about Anne Boleyn which was full of idioms and buzzwords, you're currently leading the way."
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (3/3/23)
“Am ganfod yr hyder mae dy lais cany swynol yn ei haeddu. Gyda buddugoliaeth eisteddfod ysgol yn dystiolaeth o dy ddawn, rwy'n hynod o falch ohonot ti yr wythnos hon."
''For finding the confidence your charming and tuneful voice deserves. With a school eisteddfod victory as evidence of your talent, I am extremely proud of you this week."
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (10/2/23)
“Am fod yn uchelgeisiol wrth osod dy olwg ar drwydded beiro. Dy her? Pwyllo yn dy waith er mwyn cynyddu medddwl a gofal. Nid yn unig y mae hyn wedi gwella ansawdd a chyflwyniad dy waith, ond hefyd, wedi ennill y beiro hwnnw i ti. ”
''For being ambitious when setting your sights on a pen licence. Your challenge? Taking your time in your work in order to increase thought and care. Not only has this improved the quality and presentation of your work, but it has also earned you that biro. "
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (3/2/23)
“Am fod yn uchelgeisiol yr wythnos hon trwy sianelu dy egni i waith a gwaith yn unig. Yn gyflymach wrth weithio, ar yr un pryd, rwyt wedi cymryd mwy i ofal yn yr hyn a gynhyrchir, sy'n ganlyniad i ymroddiad uchel. ”
''For being ambitious this week by channeling your energy into work and work only. Whilst faster when working, at the same time, you have taken more care in what is produced, which is the result of your dedication."
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (27/1/23)
“Am dy allu cyson i roi dy feddwl at darged neu nod personol a'i chyflawni. Gyda hyper-ffocws ac ymroddiad, rwyt ti'n ffynnu y tu allan i'r 'comfort zone'. Dydy 'digonol' ddim yn dy eirfa, dim ond y gorau gallet fod sy'n gyfarwydd i ti.”
''For your constant ability to put your mind to a personal target or goal and achieve it. With hyper-focus and dedication, you thrive outside the comfort zone. 'Acceptable' is not a word in your vocabulary, only the best you could be is familiar to you."
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (20/1/23)
“Am ymroi'n llawn i'n nofel dosbarth yr hanner tymor hwn, wrth i ti llunio barn aeddfed o Harri Hyll, darparu mewnwelediadau craff a chynnig rhagfynegiadau cymwys am yr hyn all ddod yn ein nofel. Dy angerdd sy'n gosod y bar.”
''For devoting yourself fully to our class novel this half term, providing a mature opinion of Harri Hyll, insightful thoughts and offering competent predictions about what may come in the story. Your passion sets the bar."
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (13/1/23)
“Am ddangos parch o'r radd uchaf i dy waith, waeth beth fo'r dasg. Gyda chyflwyniad tasgau di-ffael a llawysgrifen glwm ddiflino, yr wythnos hon, rwyt ti ymlith y cyntaf i ennill tystysgrif trwydded beiro. Haeddiannol!”
''For showing the highest degree of respect to your work, regardless of the task. With flawless task appearance and tireless cursive handwriting, this week, you are amongst the first to earn a biro license certificate. Well deserved!"
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (23/12/22)
“Am dy feistrolaeth o gyfrifoldeb ac ymroddiad aeddfed i ddyletswyddau. O sicrhau bod dyfeisiau ar 'charge' i roi topiau ar glud a pheniau bwrdd. Ti yw'r cyntaf i helpu heb annogaeth, sy'n diffinio'n berffaith dy bersonoliaeth ymroddgar."
''For your mastery of responsibility and mature dedication to duties. From ensuring that devices are on 'charge' to putting tops on glue and whiteboard pens. You are the first to help without prompt, which perfectly defines your giving personality.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (16/12/22)
“Am gyfoethogi ein hystafell dosbarth bob dydd gyda charedigrwydd cyson a gwen ddiflino. Rwyt ti'n gydwybodol, yn ofalgar ac yn benderfynol o lwyddo. Diolch am osod safonau agwedd tuag at waith ond yn bwysicach oll, at eraill.”
''For enriching our classroom every day with constant kindness and tireless smiles. You are conscientious, caring and determined to succeed. Thank you for setting standards of attitude towards work but more importantly, towards others.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (9/12/22)
“Am dy ymdrechion di-ffael neithiwr yn ein sioe Nadolig, wrth i ti drawsnewid i'r brenin mwyaf drygionus, cas a ddoniol yn Jwdea a thu hwnt. Diolch am y chwerthin a'r adloniant oedd yn binacl i'r holl waith caled.”
''For your flawless efforts last night in our Christmas show, as you transformed into the wickedest, nastiest and funniest king in Judea and beyond. Thank you for the laughter and entertainment which was the pinnacle of all the hard work.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (18/11/22)
“Am ddisgleirio yn ein clyweliadau ar gyfer unawd yn ein sioe Nadolig yr wythnos hon. Gyda swyn, curiad a llais bendigedig, rwyt wedi serennu.”
''For shining in our auditions for a solo in our Christmas show this week. With charm, beat and a wonderful voice, you have been a star.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (11/11/22)
“Am arwain dathliadau Cwpan y Byd gyda chyfoeth o wybodaeth yn rhychwantu gwahanol wledydd a chyfandiroedd. Mae’r dosbarth yn un doethach gan ddiolch i dy fewnwelediad a charisma.”
''For leading the World Cup celebrations with a wealth of knowledge, spanning various countries and continents. The class is a wiser one thanks to your insight and charisma.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (28/10/22)
''Am sianeli dy aeddfedrwydd a dy ddawn greadigol i gyflawni disgrifiad pwerus a phortread trawiadol o Harriet Tubman, sy’n dangos dealltwriaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth dwfn o Fis Hanes Pobl Dduon.”
''For channeling your maturity and creative prowess to achieve a powerful description and striking portrait of Harriet Tubman that shows a depth in understanding of Black History Month.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (21/10/22)
''Am wthio ffiniau disgwyliad yr wythnos hon trwy ychwamegu cymariaethau at frawddegau heb anogaeth. Gyda darlun hyfryd o Bontybrenin i orffen, gallet ddathlu wythnos ddisglair.”
''For pushing the boundaries of expectation this week, by adding similes to sentences without prompt. With an expert drawing of Pontybrenin to finish, you can celebrate a dazzling week.”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (14/10/22)
''Am gymhwyso pob modfedd o dy ewyllys i mewn i waith dosbarth yr wythnos hon, trwy fynnu dealltwriaeth o bob tasg er mwyn cyflawni hyd eithaf dy allu. Am agwedd!”
''For applying every inch of your will to class work this week, by demanding an understanding of every task in order to achieve to the best of your ability. What an attitude!”
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (7/10/22)
''Am chwilio am her ym mhob maes o dy addysg, lle'r wythnos hon, gweithredaist ti y tu hwnt i ddyblu a haneru rhifau 2 ddigid i rai 3 a 4 digid. Mae dy awydd i wella dy hun i fodelu.''
''For searching for a challenge in every area of your education, where this week, you ventured beyond doubling and halving 2 digit numbers to 3 and 4 digit ones. Your determination to better yourself is to be modelled.''
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (30/9/22)
''Am godi i ddisgwyliadau Blwyddyn 3 mewn ffordd aeddfed, trwy gydbwyso'n berffaith chwerthin a phryd i gymhwyso dy hun, neu amser cydweithio ac annibyniaeth. Rwyt ti'n esiampl wych i weddill y dosbarth.''
''For rising maturely to the expectations of Year 3, by perfectly balancing laughter and when to apply yourself, or time for cooperating and independence. You are a fantastic example to the rest of the class.''
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (23/9/22)
''Am frwydro'n wydn trwy ein hwythnos gyntaf o waith ffurfiol gyda llaw chwith anghonfensiynol. Mae dy amharodrwydd i ildio i waith wedi'i haddasu wedi ein hysbrydoli'r wythnos hon.''
''For battling resiliently through our first week of formal work with an unconventional left hand. Your unwillingness to surrender to modified work has inspired us this week.''
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (16/9/22)
''Am adnabod her fathemategol ac am ddefnyddio sgiliau datrys problem er mwyn ei oresgyn. Mae dy arloesedd a dy wytnwch yn wyneb sialens i'w ganmol.''
''For identifying a mathematical stumbling block and for using problem solving skills to overcome it. Your resilience and innovation in the face of a challenge is praiseworthy.''
Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (9/9/22)
''Am ddangos y ffordd trwy ddechrau Blwyddyn 3 gyda'r un cyfrifoldeb, angerdd ac ymwybyddiaeth o ddisgwyliad ag yn fy nosbarth ym Mlwyddyn 2. Diolch am osod y bar.''
''For leading the way by starting Year 3 with the same responsibility, passion and awareness of expectation as in my class in Year 2. Thank you for setting the bar.''