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- Class Pages Archive: 2020-2021
- Blwyddyn 3 - Miss Dark
- Sillafu / Spelling
Mae cwis sillafu wythnosol ar ddydd Gwener.
Bydd disgyblion yn derbyn rhestr newydd o eiriau er mwyn ymarfer yn wythnosol. Mae yna gopi o'r geiriau isod:
Weekly spelling quiz is on a Friday.
Pupils will receive a new list of words to practice on a weekly basis. Copies are also available below:
- llyfryn-sillafu.pdf
- sillafu-bl-3-1.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-2.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-3.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-4.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-5.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-6.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-7.docx
- sillafu-bl-3-8.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-9.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-10.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-11.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-12.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-13.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-14.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-15.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-16.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-17.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-18.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-19.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-20.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-21.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-22.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-23.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-24.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-25.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-26.doc
- sillafu-bl-3-27.doc