Croeso i ddosbarth Miss Jones a Mrs Davies
Gwybodaeth i rieni
Ymweliad Diogelwch Tân
Diolch i Jordan o Wasanaeth Tân Gorllewin a Chanolbarth Cymru am ddod mewn i siarad gyda'n disgyblion heddiw er mwyn godi ymwybyddiaeth o ddiogelwch tân. Roedd y sesiwn yn ddiddorol ac yn ddefnyddiol iawn.
Thank you to Jordan from Mid ans West Wales Fire Service who came in to educate our pupils about Fire Safety this morning. The children enjoyed, it was very interesting.
Bydd y disgyblion yn dychwelyd adref heno gyda phecynnau i'w cwblhau.
The children will receive an activity pack to complete at home at the end of the day.
Diolch i bawb wnaeth gefnogi ein noson ffilm heno. Wythnos prysur o gynllunio wedi talu fordd. Da iawn chi disgyblion dosbarthiadau Mrs Davies/ Miss Jones a Miss Williams. Wythnos entrepreneuriaeth llwyddiannus. 🎬✅
Thank you to all who supported our film night tonight. A very busy week of planning has paid off. A big well done to Mrs Davies/ Miss Jones' class and Miss Williams' class. A successful entrepreneurial week. 🎬✅
Noson Ffilm Calan Gaeaf Blwyddyn 5
Taith yr Iaith
Perfformiad arbennig bore ma gan Llio a wnaeth ddysgu'r plant am daith yr iaith Gymraeg. Rhan o'r ymgyrch i gael miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2025. Roedd y plant wrth eu boddau. Diolch! 👍🏼
A fantastic performance of 'Taith yr Iaith' by Llio this morning, teaching the children about the history of the Welsh language and the obstacles it's had to overcome in order to live on today. Part of the campaign to get a million Welsh speakers by 2025. The children thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Diolch! 👍🏼