
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Thema / Topic

Ein gwaith thema ar gyfer y tymor hwn yw ‘Calon Lân’


Our themed work for this term is ‘Calon Lân’

Pontydd/ Bridges

Yma mae'r plant yn dylunio eu pontydd. Yr wythnos nesaf byddant yn creu eu pontydd trwy ddefnyddio ffyn lolipop a llinyn. Alla i ddim aros i weld beth maen nhw'n ei gynhyrchu! / Here the children are designing their bridges. Next week they will be creating their bridges by using lollipop sticks and string. I can't wait to see what they produce!

Ein gwaith thema ar gyfer y tymor hwn yw 'Ein Byd Rhyfeddol'. Byddwn yn archwilio popeth sydd gan y byd i'w gynnig. Rydym yn annog y disgyblion i ddod â phethau sy'n ddiddorol yn eu barn nhw, a fydd yn cyfoethogi'r profiad cyfan o ddysgu.


Our theme work for this term is 'Our Incredible World'. We will be exploring everything the world has to offer. We encourge the pupils to bring in things they think are interesting, that will enrich the whole experience of learning. 

Arbrawf! Experiment!

Cyfarwyddiadau : Dyma ymgais y grwpiau i greu vlog ar sut i olchi'ch dwylo'n gywir. / Here are the groups attempts at creating a vlog on how to wash your hands correctly.

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Grŵp Oren!


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Grŵp Gwyrdd!


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Grŵp Coch


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Grŵp Porffor

Diwedd ein 'Thema Bach' / The end of our 'Mini Theme'

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Mae'n bryd i ni ffarwelio â Chwpan Rygbi'r Byd. Mae'r plant wedi mwynhau ymweld â'r holl wahanol gwledydd a dysgu ffeithiau hynod ddiddorol. Tan y tro nesaf .... / It's time for us to say farewell to the Rugby World Cup. The children have thoroughly enjoyed visiting all the different countries and learning some fascinating facts. Until next time....

Yr Ariannin/ Argentina

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Mwynhaodd y plant dysgu Tango Yr Ariannin heddiw gyda Mrs Sartori! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning the Argentinian Tango today with Mrs Sartori! #SlowSlowQuickQuickSlow

Rydyn ni’n barod am Gwpan Rygbi y Byd 2019/ We are ready for the Rugby World Cup 2019 #De’rAffrig #SouthAfrica #PYBardaith

Anthem Genedlaethol De’r Affrig/ South African National Anthem

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Dyma’r plant yn datblygu eu sgiliau mapio. Roeddent yn edrych ar fap o Ewrop i ddod o hyd i enwau pob prifddinas. Here the children are developing their mapping skills. They were looking at a map of Europe to find the names of each capital city.
