
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Hwn oedd y tro cyntaf inni ymweld â'r ardal allanol heddiw, ochr yn ochr â Dosbarth Blwyddyn 5 Mrs Parkhouse. Mwynhaodd y plant archwilio eu hamgylchedd newydd. Gwnaethom drafod pwysigrwydd diogelwch wrth weithio yn yr amgylchedd hwn. Trafododd y plant â'u cyfoedion yr hyn yr oeddent yn meddwl oedd yn risg iddynt a yna gosodwyd cylch o amgylch yr ardal ac egluro eu rhesymau.


It was the first time for us to visit the outside area today, alongside Mrs Parkhouse's Year 5 Class. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring their new surroundings. We discussed the importance of safety whilst working in this environment. The children discussed with their peers what they thought was a risk to them and placed a hoop around the area and explained their reasons.
