Ffeil Ffeithiau - Fact File
A fedrwch wneud ffeil ffeithiau ar eich hoff fathau o gerbydau? Defnyddiwch y ddogfen isod fel templed neu gwnewch un eich hun. Defnyddiwch y mat geiriau isod i'ch helpu chi i ysgrifennu.
Can you make different fact files on your favorite types of vehicles? Use the document below as a template or make your own. Use the word mat below to help you with your writing.
Hen a Newydd - Old and New
Dros amser mae'r ffordd y mae cerbydau'n edrych wedi newid. Edrychwch ar y sioe sleidiau isod o sut mae cerbydau wedi newid dros amser. O dan y sioe sleidiau mae yna rai gweithgareddau y gallwch eu hargraffu a'u cwblhau.
Over time the way vehicles look have changed. Look at the slideshow below of how vehicles have changed over time. Below the slideshow there are some activities you can print off and complete.
Trafnidiaeth ar draws y Byd -
Transport Across the World
Ar draws y byd mae pobl yn defnyddio gwahanol fathau o gerbydau. Agorwch y pwerbwynt (Yn Saesneg neu yn Gymraeg) ac edrychwech ar rai o'r gwahanol ffyrdd y mae rhai pobl yn teithio!
Across the world people use different types of vehicles. Open the powerpoint (In English or Welsh) and have a look at some of the different ways some people travel!
Cerdd y 'Car Bach Hud' - Poem the 'Little Magic Car'
Bydd Mrs Fewings, Miss Richards a Miss Williams yn anfon neges fideo atoch am y gerdd wych hon.
Mrs Fewings, Miss Richards and Miss Williams will send you a video message about this fabulous poem.
Edrychwch ar y llun isod (neu argraffwch eich llun eich hun gartref). Bydd Mam / Dad yn siarad ac yn gofyn rhai cwestiynau am y poster.
Look at the photo below (or print your own out at home). Mum/Dad will talk and ask some questions about the poster.
Golygfa Trafnidiaeth - Transport Scene
Yn y ddogfen isod mae golygfa wag yn ogystal â lluniau o wahanol gerbydau. Os oes gennych argraffydd, argraffwch ef os na, siaradwch sut y gallai'r cerbyd gwahanol deithio (awyr/tir). Allwch chi enwi'r holl gerbydau yn Gymraeg?
In the document below there is a blank scene as well as pictures of different vehicles. If you have a printer, print them out if not, talk about how that vehicle might travel (air or land). Can you name all the vehicles in Welsh?
Bingo Trafnidiaeth - Transport Bingo
Dyma gêm bingo trafnidiaeth y gallwch ei hargraffu a chwarae gyda'ch teulu.
Here is a bingo transport game that you can print out and play with your family.
Os oes gennych chi rai teganau gartref efallai y gallech chi wneud heolydd eich hun neu drac ar eu cyfer?
If you have some toy vehicles at home maybe you could make your own road or track for them?
Lluniau Lliwio - Colouring Pictures