
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Sillafu - Spelling

Cwis Sillafu Wythnosol ar ddydd Gwener.

Bydd disgyblion yn derbyn rhestr newydd o eiriau er mwyn ymarfer yn wythnosol. Mae yna gopi o'r geiriau isod.


Weekly Spelling Quiz on a Friday.

Pupils will receive a new list of words to practice on a weekly basis. Copies are also available below.

Sillafu/Spelling - 7.7.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 30.6.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 23.6.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 16.6.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 9.6.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 19.5.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 12.5.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 8.5.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 28.4.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 7.4.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 31.3.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 24.3.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 17.3.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 10.3.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 3.3.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 17.2.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 10.2.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 3.2.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 27.1.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 20.1.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 12.1.2017
Sillafu/Spelling - 6.1.2017

Tymor yr Hydref

Sillafu/Spelling - 9.12.2016 a 16.12.2016

Sillafu/Spelling - 2.12.2016
Sillafu/Spelling - 25.11.2016
Sillafu/Spelling - 18.11.2016
Sillafu/Spelling - 11.11.2016

Sillafu/Spelling - 4.11.2016

Grŵp 1 / Group 1

Grŵp 2 / Group 2

Sillafu/Spelling - 21.10.2016

Grŵp 1 / Group 1

Grŵp 2 / Group 2

Sillafu/Spelling - 14.10.2016

Grŵp 1 / Group 1

Grŵp 2 / Group 2

Sillafu/Spelling - 7.10.2016

Grŵp 1 / Group 1

Grŵp 2 / Group 2
Sillafu/Spelling - 30.09.2016
Sillafu/Spelling - 23.09.2016
Sillafu/Spelling - 16.09.2016
Sillafu/Spelling - 9.09.2016

Spell the Days of the Week Song

Cân i helpu gyda geiriau sillafu Saesneg yr wythnos hon. // A song to help with this week's English spelling.
