
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Thema | Theme

Bant a'i phen neu beidio?

- Off with her head or not? -

Mae ein thema am hanner gyntaf tymor y Gwanwyn yn thema wedi selio ar hanes y Tuduriaid. 

Our theme for the first half of the Spring term is based on the history of the Tudor Dynasty. 

Ein Hardal Leol

- Our local area -

Mae ein thema am dymor yr Hydref wedi selio o gwmpas yr ardal leol. 

Our theme for the Autumn term is based around the local area. 

Taith o gwmpas Gorseinon

Still image for this video
gan Ifan, Molly, Ffion, Elvie, Jacob a Gethin

Taith o gwmpas Gorseinon

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gan Jac, Elliot, Olli, Will, Rhys a George

Ein taith i Orseinon...

Still image for this video
gan Amelia, Robyn, Max W, Eva, Macie a Conor

Taith o gwmpas Gorseinon

Still image for this video
gan Summer, Elin, Florence, Layla, Bella a Cerys

Taith o gwmpas Gorseinon

Still image for this video
gan Seth, Elan, Max, Harvey, Tafis a Lukas

Thema fach: Cwpan y Byd FIFA 2022

- Mini theme: FIFA World Cup 2022 -

Yn ystod mis Tachwedd bydd yna thema fach wedi selio ar ddysgu mwy am wledydd sy'n cystadlu yng nghwpan y byd.

During the month of November there will be a mini theme focused on learning more about some countries competing in the FIFA World Cup.
