Daeth diffoddwr tan i ymweld â Blwyddyn 5 i drafod ardaloedd peryglus y tŷ a pheryglon sosban sglodion, haearn smwddio ac offer trydanol amrywiol. Dywedodd bod yn bwysig i beidio â gwylltio os fyddwn yn gweld tan ac i wybod ein cyfeiriad llawn a chod post rhag ofn bod angen ffonio 999. Mae'n bwysig hefyd i brofi'r larwm tan yn ein cartrefi yn wythnosol! Ar ddiwedd y sesiwn cafwyd y cyfle i un disgybl lwcus wisgo lan fel diffoddwr tan. Dyma luniau o'r ymweliad:
A brave firefighter came to chat to Year 5 about the dangers of certain electrical goods and gadgets in the home. He reminded us to keep calm if we ever came across a fire and to always know our full address with postcode in case we needed to phone 999. He also stated the importance of checking the house smoke detector on a weekly basis. At the end of the session one pupil was lucky enough to dress up like a real life firefighter. Here are some photos of the visit:

Gwnaeth PC Bowen ail-ymweld a Blwyddyn 5 i gynnal gwers wyddonol wych ar effaith alcohol a thoddyddion, enw'r wers oedd 'Felly beth yw'r broblem?'. Dyma ychydig o'r gweithgareddau.
PC Bowen revisited Year 5 to do a lesson on the effects of alcohol and solubles. Here are some photos of the interactive activities.
Daeth Mrs Dark i mewn i ddangos i Flwyddyn 5 sut i ddyfrlliwio. Cafwyd y cyfle i baentio golygfa eira ar gyfer cardiau Nadolig y dosbarth.
Mrs Dark came into class to show Year 5 how to watercolour. We had the opportunity to paint a snowy scene for our Christmas cards.

Diolch o galon i'r awdur Catrin Stevens a'r darlunydd Graham Howells am ddod i wneud gweithgareddau gwych gyda Blwyddyn 5 ar y chwechdegau. Cafwyd sesiwn am Tryweryn a Llangyndeyrn.
Thanks a million to Graham Howells and Catrin Stevens for coming to give us a talk about their work on the Horrible Histories Books.

Daeth y nyrsus i mewn i gael sgwrs gyda Blwyddyn 5 am y glasoed. Cafwyd cyfle i ofyn cwestiynnau a trafod beth sy'n digwydd wrth i ni dyfu.
The county nurses came into class today to have a chat about puberty and what happens to us when we grow. We had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss some issues.

Daeth PC Bowen i'r dosdbarth i gael sgwrs wych am ymddygiad gwrth gymdeithasol. Dyma ychydig o'r gweithgareddau.
PC Bowen came to talk about Anti Social Behavior with the children. He was brilliant as ever and here are some photos.