
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Blwyddyn 5

Croeso i dudalen Blwyddyn 5 lle cewch newyddion a gwybodaeth am ddosbarthiadau Mrs Davies a Mrs Morgan. Dyma'n themau am y flwyddyn.

Welcome to Year 5's webpage where you'll find news and information about Mrs Davies and Mrs Morgan's classes. Here are the themes for the year.


Mae'r arlunydd Catrin Williams gyda ni yn nosbarth Mrs Davies heddiw ac yfory yn gwneud gwaith celf. Dyma luniau o'r disgyblion wrth eu gwaith:


We have Catrin Williams in Mrs Davies' class today and tomorrow working on art through literacy with the children. Here are some pictures of them working this morning:

Daeth Sarah Stone i ymweld a Blwyddyn 4/5 i drafod hylendid dwylo.

Ymweliad Sarah Stone i Flwyddyn 5 i drafod hylendid dwylo.

Enghraifft o arddangosfeydd Bl 4/5

Gemau Cyfeillgar Penyrheol


Diolch o galon i Ysgol Penyrheol am y gemau pel-rwyd a phel-droed cyfeillgar nos Fercher 25/03/15. Gemau agos a digon o hwyl.


Thanks to Ysgol Penyrheol for the friendly netball and football games last night 25/03/15. Close an fun games!

Ddoe cawsom brynhawn o gelf wrth i'r dosbarth gwneud brasluniau o wahanol rhyfeddodau. Dyma luniau ohonynt wrth eu gwaith:

Yesterday, the class enjoyed an afternoon of sketching different wonders. Here are some pictures of them working:

Mae disgyblion ein dosbarthiadau wrth eu boddau gyda'n thema newydd 'O Am Fyd Rhyfeddol'. Dros y bythefnos gyntaf rydym wedi gwneud amrywiaeth o dasgau yn cynnwys celf, gwaith map a gwaith ymchwil. Dyma luniau o'u gwaith celf ac ohonynt wrth eu gwaith:


Our pupils are thoroughly enjoying their new theme 'Oh What A Wonderful World'. Over this first fortnight we have done a variety of tasks including art, map work and researching about the Natural Wonders. Below are some pictures of them working and of their work:



Diolch am eich holl gefnogaeth gyda Sioe Ndolig Hen Wraig Ddoeth y Lleuad eleni, cafwyd noson i'w chofio a'r plant wedi perfformio'n wych.


Thanks a million for all your support with the Christmas Show 'Hen Wraig Ddoeth y Lleuad' - it was a memorable evening and the children performed brilliantly.
