
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Yr Haf - The Summer

Yr Haf - The Summer

Pwerpwynt Cymraeg 'Beth weli di?' - Welsh Power Point ' What do you see?

Parlwr Hufen Iâ - Ice Cream Parlour

Chwarae rôl 'Parlwr Hufen iâ – Ga i  hufen iâ _____ (lliw) os gwelwch yn dda?

Role play 'Ice cream Parlour' – Can I have a ______(colour) ice cream please?

  • Diolch (thank you)
  • Dim diolch (no thank you)
  • Pa flas hufen ia? /Which flavour ice cream?
  • Hoffet ti rhywbeth arall? Would you like anything else?

Syniadau sut i greu siop hufen iâ - Ideas how to make and ice cream shop.

Ysgrifennu/ Writing

Dychmygwch eich bod ar wyliau. Allwch chi ysgrifennu cerdyn post at eich ffrind? Defnyddiwch y  mat geiriau i'ch helpu chi i ysgrifennu rhai geiriau neu frawddeg. Imagine you are on holiday. Can you write a post card to your friend? Use the word mat to help you write some words or a sentence.


Os oes gennych argraffydd, dyma dempled o gerdyn post - Os oes gennych argraffydd, dyma dempled o gerdyn post.

Gêm taflu pêl traeth/Beach ball Game

Gludwch lythrennau/ ysgrifennwch lythrennau ar bêl traeth (neu unrhyw bêl) taflwch y bêl at rhywun, pa lythyren gwelwch chi? Fedrwch chi feddwl am air yn dechrau gyda’r lythyren yma?

Stick letters/ write on to a beach ball (or any ball) throw the ball at a partner, what letter can they see? Can you think of a word starting with that letter? 

Dyma enghraifft. Fe allech chi ysgrifennu geiriau neu lythrennau - Here's an example. You can write words or letters.

Diogelwch yr Haul - Sun Safety

Trafodwch bwysigrwydd cadw'n ddiogel yn yr haul. Pa ddillad y dylwn eu gwisgo ar ddiwrnod poeth? Sut ydyn ni'n cadw'n ddiogel yn yr haul?

Discuss the importance of staying safe in the sun. What clothes should we wear on a hot day? How do we stay safe in the sun? 

Gweithgaredd torri a gludo - Cutting and sticking activity


Mewngofnodwch i HWB ac ewch i JIT (Gweler y ddolen isod ar sut i wneud hyn os ydych chi'n ansicr). Gan ddefnyddio JIT Paent fedrwch wneud golygfa ar y traeth. Fedrwch deipio'ch enw ar top y tudalen a phwyso arbed? 

Login to HWB and go to JIT (See the link below on how to do this if you are unsure). Using JIT Paent can you make a beach scene. Can you type your name at the top and press save?
