
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Sillafu / Spelling

Bob wythnos bydd angen i chi ffocysu ar y canlynol:

Each week you will need to focus on the following:  


Sillafu / Spelling

Bydd cwis sillafu wythnosol ar ddydd Gwener. Bydd gan eich plentyn wythnos i ymarfer eu geiriau cyn y cwis.

There will be a weekly spelling quiz on a Friday.  Your child will have a week to learn their words prior to the quiz.


Yn ogystal a'r geiriau sillafu wythnosol gallwch weithio gyda'ch plentyn i ddysgu sillafiad y rhestrau yn y ddogfen  Geiriau Sillafu CA2 isod. 

In addition to the weekly spelling lists you will need to help your child to learn how to spell the words in the KS2 spelling list attached below:

Geiriau Aml-Ddefnydd Cymraeg

High-Frequency Welsh Words


Os ydych chi am ymarfer sillafu gyda'ch plentyn adref, rhowch gynnig ar y geiriau aml-ddefnydd isod.

If you would like to practice your child's spelling at home, why not try the high-frequency words below?
