Dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf bydd YGG Pontybrenin, ynghyd ag Ysgol Gynradd Saron yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, yn cydweithio gyda 4 ysgol bartner Ewropeaidd o Roeg, Yr Eidal, Sbaen a Bwlgaria ar brosiect rhyngwladol Erasmus+. Enw'r prosiect yw 'Successful Futures Together'.
Bydd y prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar y thema dŵr. Bydd y prosiect yn sicrhau bod disgyblion yn deall y rôl sydd gan ddŵr yn ein cymuned a'r byd ehangach ac yn cydnabod eu rolau nhw mewn cadwraeth eco’r dyfodol, y defnydd o ddŵr a sut y gall dŵr ymgymryd â gwahanol ffurfiau.
Over the next two years YGG Pontybrenin, along with Ysgol Gynradd Saron in Carmarthenshire, will be working together on an international Erasmus+ project involving both our schools and 4 European partner schools based in Greece, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria. The name of the project is 'Successful Futures Together'.
The project will focus on the theme of water and it will work on ensuring students understand the role water has in their community and the wider world and recognise their roles in eco conservation for the future, the use of the water and how water can take on different forms.
Lansiad y Prosiect 'Successful Futures Together' Project Launch
Fel rhan o'r prosiect gofynnwyd i ddisgyblion Cyfnod Allweddol 2 fynd ati i ddylunio masgot YGG Pontybrenin am y prosiect. Enw’r masgot yw ‘Splash’.
As part of the project Key Stage 2 pupils were asked to design our school mascot for the project. The mascot is called 'Splash'.
Gwnaethon ni dderbyn sawl dyluniad difyr a deniadol...fersiynau gwahanol o sblashis dŵr, diferion dŵr, tapiau dŵr, ymbarél a mamaliaid/chreaduriaid morol o bob math!
We received many delightful designs ... different versions of water splashes, water drops, taps, umbrellas and marine mammals/creatures of all kinds! Here are some designs:
Yr enillydd yw...
Dyma ambell lun o'r broses creu. Croeso i'r byd Splash!
Here's some photos detailing the creative process. Welcome to the world Splash!
Dyma'r enillydd gyda Splash!
Here's the winner with Splash!
Fel rhan o'r prosiect rydym ni wedi creu arddangosfa Erasmus yn neuadd yr ysgol. Wrth i'r prosiect mynd yn ei flaen mi fydd yr arddangosfa yn siŵr o dyfu!
As part of the project we have created an Erasmus display in the school hall to showcase the project. No doubt as the project progresses the display too will expand!
Yn ystod mis Ionawr 2020 gwnaeth athrawon o'r ysgolion bartner ein ymweld ym Mhontybrenin. Dyma ychydig o luniau o'r daith i Gymru, yn cynnwys ymweliad i'r Senedd lle cyfarfu'r ymwelwyr â'r Aelodau Cynulliad Rebecca Evans a Jeremy Miles.
During January 2020 some teachers from the partner schools visited Pontybrenin. Here are some photos from the visit to Wales, including a visit to the Welsh Assembly where the visitors met Assembly Members Rebecca Evans and Jeremy Miles.
Yn ystod yr ymweliad gwnaeth y Pwyllgor Eco gyflwyniad fer ar waith y pwyllgor yn yr ysgol i'r ymwelwyr.
During the visit the Eco Committee presented a brief view of our eco work at school to the visitors.