
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (8/4/22)

''Am wneud ymdrech ymwybodol i wella dy lythrennedd ysgrifenedig. O ddatblygu llawysgrifen aeddfed i ddefnyddio technegau newydd wrth sillafu geiriau amlddefnydd yn gywir. Mae dy lyfr iaith yn olygfa i'w weld.''


''For making a conscious effort to improve your written literacy. From developing mature handwriting to using new techniques when spelling high frequency words correctly. Your language workbook is a sight to behold.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (1/4/22)

''Am belydru hapusrwydd ar draws y dosbarth yr wythnos hon. O dy law brwd ar y carped, i dy ethig gwaith trydanol a holi cyson i weld os ydy hi'n 'amser gweithio gyda Mr. Scozzi' eto. Hid y parhaed yr agwedd hon.''


''For radiating happiness across the classroom this week. From your keen hand on the carpet for your electric work ethic and constant questioning to see if it's 'time to work with Mr Scozzi' yet. Long may this attitude continue.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (25/3/22)

''Am weithredu sgiliau asio newydd gyda phensiliau graffit er mwyn efelychu arddull Helen Elliott. Braf oedd dy weld yn y zôn artistig yn ail-greu dy hôff le, parc Y Mwmbwls.''


''For executing new blending skills with graphite pencils in order to emulate Helen Elliott's style. It was a pleasure watching you in the artistic zone as you recreated your favourite place, Mumbles park.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (18/3/22)

''Am awydd tanllyd i fod y fersiwn orau ohonot ti dy hun ym mhob sefyllfa. Rwyt ti'n benderfynol o fod yn well na ddoe, heddiw, ac mae dy gynydd yn ddiderfyn. Diolch am ysbrydoli Mr. Scozzi bob dydd.''


''For a fiery desire to be the best version of yourself in every situation. You are determined to be better than yesterday, today, and your progress is knows no bounds. Thank you for inspiring Mr. Scozzi every day.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (4/3/22)

''Am ddatblygiadau chwyldroadol yn dy Gymraeg, sy'n rhoi'r hyder i ti gyflawni hyd eithaf dy allu. Diolch am dy agwedd penderfynol a dy amynedd wrth wrthod ilido i'r Saesneg.''


''For revolutionary developments in your Welsh, which is giving you the confidence to achieve to the best of your ability. Thank you for your determination and patience as you refuse to surrender to speaking English.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (11/2/22)

''Am ddatblygu hyder a gwydnwch ar draws bob maes o fywyd ysgol, sef beth mae dy allu yn haeddu. Edrychaf ymlaen bob wythnos at dy weld yn codi'r bar gyda chynnydd diddiwedd. Hir y parhaed y llwybr disglair yma!''


''For developing confidence and resilience across all areas of school life, which is what your ability deserves. I look forward each week to seeing you raising the bar with endless improvements. Long may this path continue!''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (4/2/22)

''Am ymroi i bob tasg dosbarth dros yr wythnos diwethaf. O ddefnyddio dy sgiliau gwyddonol i ragweld adweithiau losin mewn dŵr, i arwain y sesiynau gerddoriaeth gyda syniadau cyson a brwdfrydedd heb ei ail!''


''For contributing to all class tasks across the last week. From using your science skills to foresee the effects of sweets in water, to leading the music sessions with constant ideas and an unrivalled enthusiasm!''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (28/1/22)

''Am wythnos ddisglair! O gyfrannu syniadau cyfoethog a chreadigol yn ein gwersi barddoniaeth, i arwain y ffordd gyda'n huned ar arian. Rwyt wedi bod yn brysur ac yn effeithiol!''


''For a dazzling week! From contributing rich and creative ideas to our poetry lessons, to leading the way in our unit on money. You have been busy and effective!''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (21/1/22)

''Am ddisgleirio yn ein gwersi gymnasteg, gan dalu sylw manwl i ofynion pob symudiad o ran ystum, siâp a gweithrediad. Rwyt ti'n berffeithydd ac mae hyn yn amlwg yn dy lwyddiant.''


''For shining in our gymnastic lessons, by paying close attention to each moves demands in terms of posture, shape and execution. You are a perfectionist and this is clear to see in your success.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (14/1/22)

''Am ddangos awydd a gwytnwch wrth ddyfalbarhau â gwerth lle nes yn rhugl. Da iawn ti am fod yn benderfynol o ddisgleirio. Rwyt ti'n seren.''


''For showing desire and resilience by persevering with place value until fluent. Well done you for being determined to shine. You are a star.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (10/12/21)

''Am gynnal ymdrech, mynegiant a gwên yn ein sioe Nadolig, o'r darlleniad cyntaf i'r act terfynol. Mae dy wytnwch yn ystod cyfnod blinedig wedi dy wobrwyo â pherfformiad disglair.''


''For maintaining effort, expression and a smile in our Christmas show, from the first reading to the final act. Your resilience during this tiring period has rewarded you with a shining performance.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (03/12/21)

''Am ddysgu llinellau'r sioe Nadolig o fewn 24 awr, er, nad oedd hynny'n ddigon i ti, gan dy fod wedi ymarfer i godi'r bar perfformio yn ddyddiol. Diolch am fod mor frwd a chydwybodol am bopeth a wnawn.''


''For learning your lines in the Christmas show within 24 hours, though, this wasn't enough for you, as you've practiced daily in order to raise the performance bar. Thank you for always being so conscientious and enthusiastic about everything we do.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (26/11/21)

''Am gredu ynot ti dy hun yn fwy, sef beth mae dy allu gwych yn ei haeddu. O gamau cawr o gynnydd yn dy ddarllen, i wenu dy ffordd trwy dasgau dosbarth. Braf yw dy weld yn ffynnu.''


''For believing in yourself more, which is what your fantastic ability deserves. From giant steps of progress in your reading, to smiling your way through class tasks. It is great to see you flourish.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (19/11/21)

''Am ddychwelyd i'r ysgol gydag agwedd 'benderfynol', lle mae awydd i ddal i fyny ar unrhyw beth a gollwyd wedi dy weld yn cwblhau tasgau i safonau anhygoel o uchel. Am esiampl.''


''For returning to school with a driven attitude, where your desire to catch up on anything missed has seen you complete tasks to incredibly high standards. What an example.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (12/11/21)

''Am wên fawr a chalon fwy fyth. Rwyt ti'n lledaenu positifrwydd ar draws y dosbarth gyda dy weithredoedd caredig a meddylgar. Diolch am fod yn chwaer fawr i bawb ac yn ffrind amhrisadwy.''


''For a big smile and an even bigger heart. You spread positivity across the classroom with your kind and thoughtful actions. Thank you for being everyone's big sister and an invaluable friend.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (05/11/21)

''Am ethig gwaith diflio a gallu di-ffael i gynhyrchu dy waith orau beth bynnag bu'r wers. Rwyt ti'n amsugno gwybodaeth newydd fel sbwng ac yn creu argraff ym mhob tasg.''


''For a tireless work ethic and unfailing ability to produce your best work, whatever the lesson. You soak up new information like a sponge and make an impression in every task.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (22/10/21)

''Am werthusiad trylwyr o lwyddiant ein harbrawf cuddliw'r wythnos hon, gan gynnwys awgrymiadau arbennig ar gyfer ei wella y tro nesaf.''


''For a thorough evaluation of the success of our camouflage experiment this week, which included expert recommendations for how we could improve things next time.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (15/10/21)

''Am ymdrechu i'r eithaf ymhob agwedd o fywyd ysgol. O dacluso tanllyd, i dy ddarllen mynegiannol. O dy lawysgrifen glwm hyfryd, i dy gelf anhygoel. Diolch am osod y bar mor uchel.''


''For applying the utmost effort to every aspect of school life. From energised tidying, to your expressive reading. From your lovely cursive writing, to your incredible artwork. Thank you for setting the bar so high.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (8/10/21)

''Am ethig gwaith gellid ei fodelu ac am yr angerdd rwyt ti'n ei gymhwyso i bob tasg gyda dy wên ddiflino. Canlyniad yr wythnos hon, map arbenigol o dir yr ysgol.''


''For model work ethic and for the passion that you apply to each task with your tireless smile. This week's outcome, an expert map of the school grounds.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (1/10/21)

''Am dy fwriad i siarad Cymraeg a Chymraeg yn unig. Trwy ddyfalbarhad ynghyd ag amharodrwydd i ildio i'r Saesneg, rwyt ti'n esiampl i bawb.''


''For your intention to speak Welsh and only Welsh. Through perseverance and an unwillingness to surrender to English, you are an example to everyone.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (24/9/21)

''Am yr awydd a'r bwriad rwyt ti'n eu harddangos er mwyn gwella cyflwyniad dy waith. O daclusrwydd llawysgrifen i leoli a rheoleiddio maint. Superstar!''


''For the desire and intent you display in order to improve the presentation of your work. From tidiness of handwriting to placement and size regulation. Superstar!''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (17/9/21)

''Am hiwmor di-ffael, sy'n cael ei hategu ymhellach gan dy cwrteisi diddiwedd. Diolch am wneud i Mr. Scozzi chwerthin pob dydd.''


''For your flawless humour that is further complimented by your endless politeness. Thank you for making Mr. Scozzi laugh every day.''

Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week (10/9/21)

''Am fod yn 'sidekick' arbennig i Mr. Scozzi yr wythnos hon. Rwyt ti'n gymwynasgar, yn ystyrlon ac yn awyddus i lwyddo. Braf yw croesawi dy bersonoliaeth disglair i'r dosbarth.''


''For being a fantastic sidekick to Mr. Scozzi this week. You are helpful, thoughtful and eager to succeed. It has been a pleasure welcoming your bright personality to the class.''
