
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Blwyddyn 6

Croeso i Dudalen Blwyddyn 6 Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Dyma'n themau ar gyfer 2013/14 - Here are the themes for 2013/14


Ymweliad Maer Casllwchwr / Loughor Mayor Visits


Fe gafodd Blwyddyn 6 ymwelwyr arbennig y bore 'ma I gyflwyno ysgrifbinnau iddynt i ddymuno pob llwydiant iddynt yn Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr.Daeth Maer Casllwchwr y Cynghorydd Pam Williams, Mr Roberts Smith, Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr a Mr Tony Davies i gael sgwrs gyda'r plant a chlywed perfformiad canu gan y plant.


Blwyddyn 6 had very special visitors this morning when Casllwchwr Mayor, Pam Williams, Chair of our Governors, Mr Roberts Smith and Mr Tony Davies came to present them with special pens. They wished them all the best at Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr next year and were treated to a performance of Ar Hyd y Nos

Arbrawf Gwyddoniaeth gyda Burum a Balwns - Science Experiment with Yeast and Baloons

Pob Lwc yn y Gân Actol!! All the best in the Cân Actol

Cynhadledd Hawliau Plant / Children's Rights Conference 


Cynhaliwyd Cynhadledd Hawliau Plant yn yr ysgol ar dydd Llun 19/05/14 gyda disgyblion yn cynrhychioli ysgolion Llwynderw, Pontardawe, Bryn-y-Môr a Login Fach lle cafodd y plant gyfle i drafod eu hawliau o fewn eu hysgolion a thu hwnt.  Diolch o galon i'r ysgolion clwstwr am gymeryd rhan.


A Children's Rights Conference was held at our school on monday 19/05/14 where pupils from Pontardawe, Llwynderw, Bryn-y-Môr a Login Fach came to discuss their rights within their schools and elsewhere. Thank you to all the participating schools

Gweithdy Peirianneg a Ffrithiant Aer gyda Matt o Schaeffler / Engineering Workshop with Matt from Schaeffler

Gweithdy Ffilm ac Animeiddio - Film and Animation Workshop


Daeth Matt o Chapter Arts a Intofilm at y clwb i roi gweithdy ar animeiddio a ffilm. Fe wnaeth pob grwp gwblhau ffilm fer wedi ei hanimeiddio yn defnyddio iStopmovie. Ewch i'w gweld isod!


Matt from Intofilm and Chapter Arts came in to hold a Film and Animation Workshop. Each group completed a short animated film using iStopmovie. You can watch them below!!


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Buster 2.wmv

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Buster 3.wmv

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Buster 4.wmv

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Buster 5.wmv

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Addurno Potel - Bottle Decorating


Dyma rhai o blant y dosbarth gyda eu poteli wedi eu haddurno - bydd yr ennillwyr yn cael eu dewis dydd gwener 2il o Fai.


Here are some of the brilliantly decorated bottles for the school competition. The winners will be announced on Friday 2nd of May

Abertawe Mwy Diogel - Safer Swansea


Daeth Mr Evans o Abertawe Mwy Diogel i gael sgwrs gyda Bl 6 am ddiogelwch. Diolch yn fawr iddo am y sgwrs ddiddorol ac am bosteri y Swans oedd yn rhestru'r peryglon.


Mr Evans from Safer Swansea came to talk to year 6 about safety and dangers. Thank you very much for the informative talk and for the great Swans poster.

Gwaith Cartref 10/04/14 (Dros y Pasg)


Lawrlwythwch y pecyn Y Pla Mawr isod a chwblhewch un dasg yn gyflawn. Gallwch gwblhau mwy nag un dasg os dymunwch.


Download the pack below and select one of the activities to complete, you may choose more than one.





Rydm wedi dechrau ar thema newydd 'O Dan y Croen' yn y dosbarth a'r prif bethau fyddwn yn eu hastudio yw bacteria, y corff, hylendid a materion yn ymwneud a iechyd yn gyffredinol.


We have a new theme called 'Skin Deep' which will focus on bacteria, the body, hygiene and things to do with our health in general.

Animeiddau Scratch - Scratch Animations


Rydym wedi bod yn defnyddio rhaglen codio 'Scratch' i greu animeiddiadau a gemau cyfrifiadur o factreia - edrychwch ar ein gwaith!


We've been using the computer coding programme 'Scratch' to create our own animations and computer games involving germs and bacteria. Have a look at our work below!

Gweithgareddau gyda Coleg Gwyr Abertawe - Activies wth Gower College Swansea

Photostory Y Peiriant Sgrech

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Dyma gyflwynadau wedi eu creu gyda photostory gan ddefnyddio lluniau o'r we a cherddoriaeth
Here are some of our Photostories created using images from the internet and music

Y Peiriant Sgrech

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Y Peiriant Sgrech

Still image for this video

Y Peiriant Sgrech

Still image for this video

Y Peiriant Sgrech

Still image for this video

Sesiynnau Hyfforddi Pêl Fasged - Basketball Coaching Sessions


Daeth Dan o'r sir i gynnal sesiynnau hyfforddi pêl fasged a bydd rhai o'r dosbarth yn cynrychioli'r ysgol mewn twrnament yn yr LC2 y tymor hwn.


Dan from the county has been in school during the spring term to coach basketball. Two teams from Mr Owen and Mrs Parkhouse's class will represent the school at a tournament in the LC2 later this term.

Y Peiriant Sgrech - Scream Machine


Dyma ein ceir sgrech a wnaethpwyd allan o gwpanau papur a phreniau troelli.


We used old paper cups and wooden stirers to create our own scream machines.

Gwaith L.S. Lowry / L.S.Lowry Work


Rydym wedi bod yn astudio gwaith L.S.Lowry ar gyfer y thema Peiriant Sgrech. Dyma ddethloiad o rhai o'r darluniaeth wnaethpwyd gyda pasteli olew.


We've been studying the work of L.S.Lowry during art lessons for the Scream Machine theme. Here's a selection of pieces we made with oil pastels.  

Sbaghetti a Marshmallows


Y Peiriant Sgrech yw'r thema ar gyfer y tymor hwn a dyma'r dosbarth yn dylunio a chreu peiriannu sgrech allan o sbaghetti a marshmallows.


Scream Machine is our current theme. Here are some of children working on designing and creating roller coasters out of sbaghetti and marshmallows.

Gwybodaeth i Rieni - Information for Parents
