
Ysgol Gynradd

Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Pont Gadarn – Addysg Euraidd

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Digwyddiadau ysgol

Digwyddiadau / Events

26.10.17-Sialens hwiangerddi/Rhyme time challenge

                  2.00y.p neuadd yr ysgol/2.00p.m school hall

26.10.17- Disgo/Disco

27.10.17- Diwedd hanner tymor/End of half term

06.11.17-Ysgol yn ail ddechrau/School re starts after the half term


07.11.17-Prawf clyw/Hearing tests

07.11.17-Noson Rhieni/Parents Evening

09.11.17-Noson Rhieni/Parents Evening

13.11.17- Noson Rhieni/Parents Evening

06.12.12-Sioe Nadolig y Dosbarth Derbyn/Reception Christmas

              Concert-1.45 Neuadd Pontlliw/1.45 Pontlliw Village Hall

07.12.12-Sioe Nadolig Dosbarth Derbyn/Reception Christmas

              concert-9.45 Neuadd Pontlliw/9.45 Pontlliw Village Hall

08.12.12-Sioe Nadolig Cyw/Cyw Christmas Show

                       Theatr Y Dywysoges/Princess Royal Theatre

21.12.12- Parti Nadolig/Christmas Party

22.12.12-Diwedd Tymor/End of term



